Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Back from Vacation

I'm back from vacation. I had a nice time, except as soon as I got home I found out one of the people I spent time with got Covid. I just tested myself an hour ago and found out I have Covid too. Ugh. Hopefully it'll be a mild case. But see this as a warning to be more careful than before. There definitely seems to be a surge in new cases. I had a friend in another state get it yesterday as well.

Anyway, thanks for your patience. I'll be back to posting new music shortly.


  1. Get well. Is this your first case of it?

    1. I had it a year ago, also at the end of a vacation. That was a mild case. So far, this one seems fairly mild too. I've been vaxxed three times. I hope that helps.

  2. Oh man, get well soon. Hope it's a mild case!

  3. Hope your symptoms are minimal and recovery is fast.

  4. I believe that having been vaccinated helped reduce my symptoms but it was still ugly. Hope your symptoms are negligible. Speedy recover.

  5. Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  6. I hope you have a very mild case and barely notice it. Take it easy, and don't worry about posting.

  7. Here's something that could possibly maybe help you out with the plague. I got my first and only COVID just before Labor Day last year faithfully getting all my shots and boosters. I've been taking zinc tablets for years at the first sign of a cold and have not had my usual 10-day head cold chest cold cough Strep throat routine for about 15 years. I took zinc when I tested positive last year and had symptoms for one day. Since the common cold and COVID are both Corona viruses, it might be worth a try. An old wives tale courtesy of an old fan. Take care, bud!
