Monday, November 13, 2023

The Beatles - The Beatles Uncovered, Volume 5 (1963-1987) (A MIKE SOLOF GUEST POST)

Guest poster Mike Solof strikes again, with another volume of his unique mixes of Beatles (and solo careers) songs.

This time around, there's a wide range of music, dating from the early Beatles back in 1963 all the way to solo career songs from the 1980s. If you want to know more, check out the PDF file included with the download, as usual for Mike, with explanations about the edits for all the songs.

This album is 59 minutes long.

01 That's What It Takes [Mike's Mix] (George Harrison)
02 Uncle Albert-Admiral Halsey [Mike's Mix] (Paul McCartney)
03 Watching the Wheels [Mike's Mix] (John Lennon)
04 Beware of Darkness [Mike's Mix 2] [Instrumental] (George Harrison)
05 Michelle [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
06 You Won't See Me [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
07 Magical Mystery Tour [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
08 The Inner Light [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
09 Beautiful Boy [Mike's Mix] (John Lennon)
10 I Want to Hold Your Hand [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
11 All You Need Is Love [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
12 Wreck of the Hesperus [Mike's Mix] (George Harrison)
13 Think for Yourself [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
14 With a Little Help from My Friends [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
15 Woman [Mike's Mix] (John Lennon)
16 The Fool on the Hill [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)
17 Across the Universe [Mike's Mix] (Beatles)


The cover photo looks to show Paul McCartney and John Lennon in the late 1970s. However, is not real, meaning it's a mash-up of two photos created by someone and posted on the Internet. Originally, there was a photo of Lennon with his wife, Yoko Ono, from the late 1970s. But someone pasted over McCartney from a different photo also taken in that time period. I had some issues with this version, most especially that the lighting on their hair didn't match, so I made some edits in Photoshop to at least make the fake look more plausible.

In March 2025, I improved the image quality with the use of the Krea AI program.

That said, it is known that McCartney and Lennon did hang out together from time to time in the late 1970s, especially whenever McCartney was passing through New York City, where Lennon lived. So this photo could have happened.


  1. Yet another of Mike Solof's posts infected with malware! Approach with great caution. Why are you posting on infected web sites by the way?

    1. Unfortunately, the file sharing program I've been using has turned bad. I'm looking for another one. In the meantime, just use an ad blocker plug in and you can avoid all that.

  2. good for 1 week
