Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mary Chapin Carpenter - Home Concerts 2, Afton, VA, 4-26-2020 to 5-24-2020

A few weeks ago, I posted an album of songs Mary Chapin Carpenter recorded during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. I'm happy to say that she's continued to post new songs every few days, so I now have enough for another album. May she keep on posting more songs, even after the crisis is over.

I don't have much to say that I didn't say for the first album compiling her home videos. As with that album, she usually talks a lot before starting each song. But, as I did there, I've edited her comments down a lot to make this something much more likely to stand up to repeat listens. I've cut out her repetitive comments wishing people well during the pandemic, as well as her frequent comments about her pets. Instead, I've generally just kept the parts that are relevant to the songs she plays.

Pretty much all of the songs are her originals, from all parts of her career. If you like the first album of home concerts I've posted, you'll like this one too.

One minor note: since she's posted enough songs for me to create this album, I've gone back to the previous album and renamed it "Home Concerts 1," with this being "Home Concerts 2." I've also changed the cover art accordingly.

01 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
02 The Age of Miracles (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
03 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
04 Why Shouldn't We (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
05 Transcendental Reunion (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
06 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
07 Rhythm of the Blues (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
08 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
09 Something Tamed, Something Wild (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
10 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
11 Quittin' Time (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
12 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
13 John Doe No. 24 (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
14 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
15 This Shirt (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
16 talk (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
17 I Take My Chances (Mary Chapin Carpenter)


The cover art is a screenshot from one of her videos. (I don't remember which one.) She lives with a dog, Angus, and a cat, White Kitty. At the start of each video, she typically reports on where her two pets are and what they're doing. So, given her emphasis on them, I figure it's only fitting to include a screenshot with them in it. This one only shows the dog Angus, since I don't think the two pets have made an appearance together yet. (That's not too surprising, since her cat seems to be napping 99% of the time.) Also, I widened the background on either side of her and her guitar in order to include enough vertically of the screenshot to show both her head and Angus's head.

In February 2025, I upgraded the cover image with the use of the Krea AI program.


  1. While I'm not snagging this one, I have a few others and just want you to know I think your site is passing brillag; thanks.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. I had a hard time squeezing it all in.
