Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Progress: All Zippyshare Links Have Been Replaced!

I'm very happy to announce that I've finally fixed all the ZippyShare links that died at the start of April 2023. This blog is a labor of love, and boy, was that a labor. It sucked up most of my free time for a whole month. But now it's all done. Phew!

Previously, I never knew exactly how many albums I'd posted at any given time. ZippyShare gave me a rough idea, but some links expired and others just mysteriously died for no reason. Now, though, I know for sure that I have 2,091 albums posted here. I glad to have it confirmed that I've passed that 2,000 album threshold. As an aside, for the last year or two, I've been putting an emphasis on posting BBC material. It looks like I'm just short of posting 400 BBC related albums.

I was not happy to have to fix all those links. However, the blog will be better off as a result. ZippyShare was banned in some countries, and it had annoying pop-up ads and other problems. Also, I was fighting a constant battle with expiring links. Now, hopefully, all the links will be working all the time. :)

By the way, when I was fixing the 50 or so albums in the "Covered" series, I updated a majority of the album covers. Many of those were colorized black and white photos. I think at that time I got a little excited and made the colors too vivid in some cases, so I toned those down. Also, I replaced more of the backgrounds with light blue backgrounds, to give more of a consistent look.

Anyway, thanks for your patience through this month-long process. If you see any links that are still broken or misdirected, please make sure to let me know.


  1. Very well done Paul, that must have been an headache and a heartache. Let's hope everything works fine from now on. Your hard work is much appreciated. Cheers, Andy

  2. Thank you very much for all this great effort. Zippy was such a lousy platform with the popups and it seemed to be subject to hacks as well. This update has turned me into a loyal follower of this blog. You've posted an amazing array of great music and I have been happily downloading with the new links which work quite cleanly. So well done. I'm thrilled to be on board!

    1. Glad to hear it. I hope there are others like you.

  3. Congratulations on completing this Herculean labor!

    1. Thanks for the thanks, to you and all the others above. :)

  4. Excellent job, thank you very much :)

  5. YOU are the man! Excellent and unique blog. I truly appreciate the work of swapping out of Zippy, etc. Thank you!
