Monday, May 13, 2024

Cliff Richard - BBC Sessions, Volume 8: In Concert, Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth, Britain, 11-16-1988

I'm not much of a Cliff Richard fan, but somehow I keep posting BBC albums from him. Here's the eighth one. Like the previous two, this is a concert broadcast by the BBC. Although I'm not much of a fan, I figure he's such a big star in Britain that a fair amount of people will want to hear this.

If you got just one Cliff Richard concert, this is probably the one to get. It's late enough in his career that it includes pretty much all of his big hits. But it's far back in time enough for him to still be in his vocal and physical prime.

This concert is totally unreleased, as far as I know. The sound quality is generally excellent. However, I boosted the vocals a lot for the banter between songs. Also, there was a flaw in the song "We Don't Talk Anymore." Luckily, it was in the middle of a chorus, not a verse. So I was able to patch it when a bit from another chorus. That's why that song has "[Edit]" in the title.

This album is an hour and 37 minutes long.

01 Born to Rock 'n' Roll (Cliff Richard)
02 Move It (Cliff Richard)
03 Daddy's Home (Cliff Richard)
04 Devil Woman (Cliff Richard)
05 We Don't Talk Anymore [Edit] (Cliff Richard)
06 Another Tear Falls (Cliff Richard)
07 Some People (Cliff Richard)
08 Ocean Deep (Cliff Richard)
09 talk (Cliff Richard)
10 Living Doll (Cliff Richard)
11 The Young Ones (Cliff Richard)
12 talk (Cliff Richard)
13 Bachelor Boy (Cliff Richard)
14 talk (Cliff Richard)
15 In the Country (Cliff Richard)
16 Visions (Cliff Richard)
17 The Minute You're Gone (Cliff Richard)
18 Carrie (Cliff Richard)
19 True Love Ways (Cliff Richard)
20 My Pretty One (Cliff Richard)
21 talk (Cliff Richard)
22 Miss You Nights (Cliff Richard)
23 talk (Cliff Richard)
24 Thief in the Night - UFO - Get It Right Next Time (Cliff Richard)
25 talk (Cliff Richard)
26 Rock and Roll Medley (Cliff Richard)
27 It'll Be Me (Cliff Richard)
28 Mistletoe and Wine (Cliff Richard)

The cover photo comes from a concert in Nurnberg, Germany, in 1988.


  1. Paul, thank you again for all of your fantastic work. I've been meaning to say this for ages but not got around to it. Is there any chance that you could stop labelling your albums as "Britain" please? No one calls it Britain. It's either Great Britain (without Northern Ireland) or probably the best because the word great certainly doesn't apply any longer (If ever!) - United Kingdom. That is a far more used name. Sorry if this sounds snotty but I just needed to ask

  2. Thank you. Please don't stop posting Cliff Richard, There are lot of fans out there. Any chance of some of 'The Shadows' concerts?

  3. A couple weeks back, an Tears For Fears atse were posted. I know it might be had on the shadow site. But why did it disappear from the main site?

    1. I've been meaning to write about that, but I haven't gotten around to it. The usual problem: the copyright police came around and took it down. :(

  4. Paul, I have an audience boot that is a little low in the lead vocals. Do you use MVSEP to boost, or is there a better way to do that? Thanks so much!

    1. I usually use UVR5 because it does a bunch of music files at once. MVSEP has all sorts of settings so I'm sure it can do the same thing. But you have to do one at a time unless you pay a bunch of money. With UVR5, I use the VR Architecture setting. That splits a music file into two: vocals and everything else. Open both in a program like Audacity, boost the vocals, merge then together, and you're done.

    2. Also, lots of other programs do the same thing. Mike, who guest posts here, uses X-Minus. I'm just mentioning the ones I know and use.

  5. Thanks so much for the info Paul! I'll check it all out and see what works best for me. Thanks again, G.

  6. The cover says COCNERT.

    A Freudian slip, perhaps.

    1. Oops. I don't know what a "cocnert" is, but it's fixed now.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Replies
    1. Sam, were you able to get it to work? I can't see the original post on this site, but got the e-mail notification. If you're still having difficulties, I'm happy to share the process that I use to allow the links to come up. It's a bit odd, as all download sites seem to be these days - lots of spam and advertisements built in. Thanks, G.
