Sunday, June 2, 2024

More Trouble with Download Links

I've been using two download services,, and imagenetz., unfortunately, has some spam attached to it (though there are ways to get around that). But at least those download links endure. The imagenetz links, by contrast, keep mysteriously disappearing, even though they're supposed to endure just as much. Over the past year or so, I've been gradually replacing imagenetz links with ones, every time to imagenetz links die. A few days ago, I discovered that nearly all of the remaining imagenetz links suddenly died! I went from having about 650 links down to just about 85!

So I've spent many hours in the past few days replacing all those dead imagenetz links with ones. Now, nearly all the links at this blog are ones. There are still about 200 imagenetz ones though. That's intentional, because doesn't allow files larger than 200 MB. That's equal to about an hour and a half of mp3s. So all the albums I post longer than an hour and a half still use imagenetz ones. Unfortunately, those are likely to keep dying from time to time, so if you find any dead links, please let me know.

I do still want an alternate to, so if anyone has any good suggestions, please let me know. In the meantime, keep in mind there are lots of ways to get around the spam problem. A good one is to use an ad blocker plug-in. That's what I do, so I've never encountered this spam at all. Another easy one is to use the Brave browser. It has an ad blocker built in that automatically gets rid of this spam problem. Yet another option is to use the free download management program J-Downloader, which also blocks the spam. Failing all that, you can also grab all the music here via the free file sharing program SoulseekQT.

Thanks for your patience with all these link troubles. Right now, 100 percent of the links should be working, so this is a good time to go back and grab stuff.


  1. I do search via Soulseek, but not totally got the hang of it. Can I search by your posts by name? Can I please request a tutorial?

    1. It's pretty easy. Just install it on your computer (it's free) and search for what you want. ALL the folders I share there have "atse" in the name, so that should help you out. Unfortunately though, not everyone is connected to everyone else at the same time. So some big chunk of the time, you won't be on the same section as I am. I gather it rotates every couple of days. So one thing you can do is put something in your wish list and then wait for it to show up.

  2. Thank you for all the effort put in this

  3. For me, I don't use any extra blockers or such. Just keep my antivirus up to date. But when an download pups up a new tab, I close it right away, and repeat until the download starts (typically 2 times). Then I open a new tab and close the one for the download system. I never leave their windows/tabs open, for fear of more spam trying to come my way. The downloads continue perfectly fine, as long as Chrome or Firefox stays connected, regardless what tab is open. When imagenetz pops up something, like asking you to click on something (that's not in a new tab), I hit refresh and click on the download link again, in the refreshed window. I typically only need to do that once. Then I do the same, in opening a new tab and closing out the download tab, to get away from any further spam. Be very careful only to click on the download links, and nothing else. Honestly, this happens with most download link services, not just the ones here. It's a very concerning situation all around, but I have found a manageable ways around the crap. Thanks, G.

  4. Paul, Mega seems to be one download link that never seems to have any issues with spam. Thought I'm not sure if that one would work for you. Thanks!

    1. I tried Mega, briefly. It's very sensitive to copyright violation issues. Three strikes and your account is cancelled. I uploaded a couple hundred links there and got two strikes in just a couple of weeks, so I shut that down. There's no way my links would last there. So that's not an option for me.

  5. Hi Paul have you had a look at Bestfile? or Getshare? who offer 5Gb and 10Gb file support respectively. Bestfile is being used by the 'Down Underground' blog and Getshared is appearing on some of the messageboards. Whilst Bestfile has a longevity of 80 days after last download, Getshared seems to have a variable end date policy with some files not expiring until May next year that I've seen.

    I've no idea how active their deletion policies or indeed Getshared exact terms (its not clear from the about us page) are but I haven't come across any dead links so far. Anyway hope that helps

    1. Thanks, but if I can only upload 5 or 10 GB, that's basically nothing. I have about 300 GB of album zip files for this blog currently.

    2. Hi Paul,

      No, you misunderstand. Bestfile offers unlimited storage with support for individual files up to 5Gb and Getshare works slightly differently in that you upload as many individual files up to 10Gb in size as you like without any sort of account and have the option to send them by e-mail or get a link and can set an expiry date on them up to 12 months in advance with support for individuals files up to 10 Gb. So effectively Getshare is offering unlimited storage for 12 months but you have to maintain your own records of what you have uploaded. I hadn't realised that was they way it worked when I first mentioned it so probably not what you are looking for.

      Still I hope that is clearer....

  6. Good afternoon my friend. First of all, I always need to thank you for all your incredible work and efforts! So many cool things you share here! And I love your texts.
    Regarding hosting options, have you ever thought about Microsoft's "onedrive"? I follow 3 different blogs and they all use this resource well. A fraternal hug from your friend from Brazil.

  7. As a committed leech I know little about the various options from a blogger's standpoint. But from a user's POV, nothing currently beats Pixeldrain. It does impose a daily download limit on the user, a generous one IMO, but I've no idea what constraints a blogger might face, e.g. copyright monitoring, non-U.S. access, the list goes on I'm sure. But FYI ...


    2. You're right, PixelDrain seems to be one of the best. It isn't perfect for me, such as downloads only staying for 120 days if nobody downloads it. But I've downloaded stuff from there, and it's amazing that things download so quickly and easily. I'll consider that if I have trouble with the others.

    3. Your suggestion is so interesting that I'm including PixelDrain links with the other links for four of the Woodstock '94 albums. So anyone reading this, please check them out and let me know what you think.

    4. I forgot to mention that the four are the two "leftovers" albums (Day 1, Part 4 and Day 2, Part 1), plus the Cranberries and Zucchero.
