Saturday, April 21, 2018


I’m a big fan of classic rock, mostly from the 1960s and 1970s. I like listening to music in album format. I’ve collected a lot of music over the years that either never has been officially released or hasn’t found its way onto any mainstream albums. So I’ve frequently organized my music into albums I’ve created for my own listening enjoyment.

For instance, some prolific artists, such as Bob Dylan, Neil Young, or Beck, have lots of great songs that have fallen into the cracks, appearing on B-sides, bonus tracks, soundtracks, and so on, or sometimes never released in any form at all. When I can, if there’s enough similar quality material from a certain time period, I like to gather the stray tracks together and make an album out of them. Sometimes, these might be “lost albums” that were planned to be released by the artist at some point, but more often they’ve never really been conceived in the forms I put them in.

In addition to that, I have many albums in my collection that are bootlegs/ROIOs, extremely rare, out of print, and the like, including lots of live performances. I plan to post lots of those too. I'm a guitarist and I have a particular love of songs stripped down to raw acoustic versions, so look forward to a lot of that type of music.

My purpose has been to make albums that I enjoy listening to. I’m not the kind of an that enjoys listening to 8 versions of the same song in a row with only minor differences. So sometimes I cut out weak material rather than being a stickler for completeness. I also sometimes edit songs in Audacity to enhance the listening experience. For instance, on a live ROIO there might be five minutes of audience cheering for an encore. I wouldn’t want to listen to five minutes of cheering, so I’d cut that part out. I also have tried as best I can to balance sound levels from song to song.

I’ve been making these albums entirely for my own enjoyment. I’m experimenting with putting some of these on the Internet. If you enjoy them great, if not, oh well. I’m including mp3s of each one, all at 320 kbps, using the best quality versions I can find. (However, with so many different masterings of albums over the years, it could be in some cases that I didn’t use the best versions.) More details of where the songs came from are often found in the mp3 data.

Note that details on where the songs came from appear in the mp3 tags for each song. In some cases, they're included in the album title field, and in other cases they're in the comments field. (As I write this, I'm in the middle of converting to the second style, but it's a time-consuming process.)

Any feedback is appreciated, especially on how I can make these albums better (for instance with song selection, song order, sound quality, etc).

If you're having trouble downloading things from my blog, I have a few recommendations.

1) Use an ad blocker add on or extension for your browser. It's a good thing that helps you avoid ads when browsing on the Internet in general. There's a bunch to choose from, and they're generally free.
3) Use a VPN. That stands for Virtual Private Network. It's also a good (and perfectly legal) thing to do when browsing the Internet in general.
4) Use the Brave browser. It has built-in anti-spam features. Plus, it's great in general for avoiding ads and other crap while surfing the Internet.
5) Use the Tor browser. This is a modified Firefox browser with extra privacy features.
6) If all else fails, I also share everything I post on my blog through the music file-sharing program SoulseekQT. It's free, no strings attached, and super easy to use. Just search for the artist and album title, plus "atse" (which stands for "Albums That Should Exist").


  1. Hi Paul, Thanks for doing this.

    I have a suggestion. When I put your mp3 files on my phone, my default Android music player separates the tracks into albums. Because you list the sources in the Album field, the files are separated into the sources, and they play in order by Source, not the order that they are supposed to. So I go through all of the files and make the Album field identical (e.g. for Beck's Inferno, the Album field should read 'Inferno' for all tracks. That way, the Android music player will play them in the correct order. I do this for all of your files. It would be a lot easier if you put the Album name in the album field rather than putting the sources in that field.

    Thanks again!

    1. Thanks for the feedback. The problem is, I have thousands of albums, and I've all done them this way. I've at least started to include the full name of the album in the album field, as well as the sources. If you look at the oldest posts here, I didn't do that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Just download mp3tag and drag and drop the files onto there, takes seconds to fix. You can manually enter the field or use the built in links to database searches. I'm a stickler for tags myself, everything my my collection of 36,000+ albums is properly tagged by artist/album/track#/song title/ and i make sure to embed the original album art in the best quality if can find. We gotta preserve this stuff!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This blog is fantastic stuff. I must admit I found some great stuff on here, including the Sweet Hoffs stuff and The Jam. Please keep doing what you do. THANK YOU - Craig

    1. Thanks a lot. And don't worry, I'm determined to keep going. :)

  3. Hi Paul, Are you open to suggestions for future sets, or do you prefer to fly strictly on your own power?

    1. Good day! I would like to create something in cooperation, let's contact in the FB. It's my link:

    2. You can contact me at: thompson22 @ (remove the spaces)

  4. I am open to suggestions. But I am only going to post material from artists I really like, so if you ask me to do a Tom Waits album I will say no, since I am not into his stuff. I think Peter at the Albums I Wish Existed blog has a broader musical taste than I do, so you could also ask him.

  5. You've got some great stuff here. The Zippyshare links don't work for me. I've tried a couple of browsers. Any ideas? Is this a problem at my end? Thanks

    1. Sorry. Every now and then someone has trouble with the links, but tens of thousands of people have downloaded without trouble. Maybe you have an aggressive anit-virus program on your computer or something. Try downloading by using your cell phone or another computer and I'll bet that will fix it. Let me know how it goes.

    2. Zippy seems to not work well from some jurisdictions (eg UK)> Try using a VPN to change "location"

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks for all the great tunes and sharing your hobby Paul!

      and I second the motion that one should try a VPN for problems with zippy. From what I understand through my daily surfing and picking up info, it's completely blocked in the UK and possibly Germany iirc.

    5. You're welcome. I keep expecting Zippyshare to do something to fix their problem in Britain. I'm really bummed they haven't. I could switch to some other service doing the same thing, but I don't know of a better one, and I don't want to change 500 links. :(

    6. Can't blame you, you're pretty busy already and I'm grateful for it too!

    7. It looks like Zippyshare really isn’t available from Germany either: I get an error message "404 Forbidden". I tried with Firefox and Safari. Any advice on which VPN to use?

    8. Hi Paul, I've just discovered yourr page by accident. I applaud your efforts. I was wondering if there is an alternative link for the Robyn Hitchcock Acoustic Syd Barrett post. I'm getting 403 Forbidden. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for getting back to me. No joy yet. I'll keep experimenting.

  7. Hi. I'm new to your blog and just wanted to say I love the concept and format of what you are doing. I was going to request you continue the artwork present on earlier posts, but I saw where it's on your to do list for later. Thanks for sharing the music.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Paul, I just wanted to send you a million thanks for all of excellent posts. Your choices are always top-notch and so interesting. Your blog has rapidly become my "go to" place on a daily basis. Thanks again for your dedication, hard work, and musical knowledge. Regards, Kurt

    1. Thanks a lot for the praise. Your comment is exactly the sort of response I'm looking for. ;)

  10. Hello, great site! Especially your stray tracks and alt albums are great, as I find this stuff endlessly fascinating (The what could have or what should have been's). Have done the odd alt album or rare track comp myself, but nothing on this level! Wow!

  11. Hello. This is a nice site. How can I download some of this music from zippyshare? Do I need to establish an account there?

    1. Establishing a Zippyshare account definitely doesn't help. Some people are having trouble with Zippyshare, esp. people in Britain. Are you in that country? They've blocked Zippyshare, for some reason. I recommend A) using an ad blocker, and B) use a VPN (virtual private network). Also, try using a different browser or a different computer. Sorry about the trouble!

    2. I am in the USA. Recommend a browser?

  12. Hi Paul... I have been searching for a very long time for 2 albums...I was wondering if you might be able to help. Unfortunately I have limited info on both.The first is an album that was recorded by CSN during their tour backing the CSN album...specifically I'm looking for a live version of the song COLD RAIN. I know they have performed it a few times. This is the closest I've found (and yet can't find) DAVID CROSBY & GRAHAM NASH
    Kolding 2005 The Kolding Theater, Kolding, Denmark
    February 4, 2005

    The second album is Jon Anderson and it is his demo's for the Olias Of Sunhillow Album.
    Olias demo’s
    Length: 59m, Quality: A-
    Instrumental track 1 till 7, Flight Of The Moorglade, Can't Stop Lovin You, What Ever You Believe, What Ever You Believe.

    Cover design YesHolland2003


    1. Hi, I'm not really a fan of Yes or Jon Anderson, so I can't help you there.

      But re: Cold Rain, I do have something for you. I happen to have a live version of the song, from 1977. Here's a link:

      The mp3 tag says this:

      Myriad Gardens, Oklahoma City, OK, 11-24-1977

      I hope that's what you're looking for. The tag says it's CSN, but it's actually just Nash doing a solo spot in a CSN show.


    Came across this in random searching, is this part of what was on the Fillmore albums you recently posted, as it is comped from both night and shows?

    1. Yeah, thanks for checking, but I've included that already.

    2. As you had mentioned the varied number of boots out there for these live D&tD shows, I wasn't sure if these were the same sources that you used or not. If they weren't, I was going to pull them down as supplemental material, as I have an ongoing bet of sorts with a friend of mine to see if it is possible to assemble L&ALS, or as much of it as possible, in a live fashion. (Not asking for assistance, though if you stole this idea, I wouldn't mind LOL)

    3. Yeah, that was up on Dime a few months ago, so I saw it there.

      I would be more tempted to post a live version of Layla if there were good versions of more songs. For some key ones, like "Layla" and "Keep On Growing," only some poor to okay sounding ones exist. And for others, like "I Am Yours," there's no versions at all. Unless one were to use non-Dominos versions from later in Clapton's career.

    4. Yeah, that was starting to be an option to consider...It would be nice to be able to use just D&tD (if for no other song, Layla, which I had your Live And Rare comp version (w/Allman) as the seed from which this crayzy idea sprung LOL) but as you said, there is a lack of quality/soundboard boots out there to use, and until a yet undiscovered, pristine, cache of those is found, it may be just a personal daydream...not that I'm quitting on it, but now it would be to find live Clapton versions that would sound amenable alongside what I do have to use and not sound really out of place, even if this is only for my own consumption/amusement ;)

    5. It might be possible if one used Clapton performances post-Dominos. He even played some of the rarer songs eventually, though it took decades in some cases! But even then, a couple of songs have NEVER been played live, like "Thorn Tree in the Garden" (unless you count Bobby Whitlock solo versions).

      Sadly, I don't think any better recordings will show up. One early show WAS recorded as a soundboard, where a lot of rarities were played, but all the producers found years later was an empty box where the recording should have been. :(

  14. Going back through my (your LOL) D&tD archives, and noted you swapped out the B.B. King duel from L&R, that you used when you posted the Cincinnati show the other day, and put in Crossroads, so I just downloaded that again, and since I hadn't listened to it in a while, I hadn't noticed that you mentioned in the Devil Road post that you used the slower Roll It Over from (assuming) the late 10/24/70 Fillmore you posted and Motherless Child from the Cincinnati 10/16/70, with the crowd noise edited out, so as far as I'm concerned, I do not have duplicates in my library ;)

    1. By the way, if you ever do make an alternate Layla, please let me know. Maybe I could post it here. One possibility would be to use alternate studio takes for some rare songs. I posted some of the better ones in the "Layla Alternates" album.

  15. Good evening, sir...Have a couple of mashup ideas I am in no way capable of creating, that I would like to see if you might have some insight into their possibilities. Rather than spell them out here, I would like to expand upon, and attach the source materials, in an email exchange, but I do not seem to find a contact for you. If you would rather not expose your email address publicly, you can contact me at

  16. After the great job you've done on Dusty Springfield, I wonder if you would consider compiling a stray tracks collection for Marianne Faithfull? There is a lot of rare stuff out there, from the French and Italian language versions of her early singles, to movie soundtrack contributions, to collaborations with a remarkably diverse range of artists - Nick Cave, David Bowie, the Chieftains, Metallica... One particular track I've been hunting for without success is "The Letter", which only appeared on the Australian 12-inch of Broken English.

    1. Unfortunately, I only has a passing interest in Marianne Faithfull's music, so I don't have her rarities. Sorry about that.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A really dedicated effort! Great work and deserving the likes.

    Thanks for saying it is all not flac, so while the narratives are interesting, in these days when there's no reason for lossy (bandwidth is no longer a problem) I'll just move on.

    You have saved a lot of download time - many mp3 blogs don't bother to say they are mp3s. Thanks for being one of the helpful ones.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your early Fleetwood Mac posts are great. Thanks so much. Have you heard this version of I've Got A Mind to Give Up Living? Outstanding!

    2. I have not. Thanks for pointing that out to me. It is really great. I'll have to do something with that.

  20. Hi, Paul: Just found this site and loving it. Lots of stuff I didn't know from artists I like. As an Aimee Mann fan, I will point out one disc in my collection which you should seek out (or perhaps I can get you mp3s). It's an import CD single for "Stupid Thing" with live-in-studio performances of Stupid Thing, Put Me On Top, Fourth of July, and I Should've Known. Would be great material for one of your collections. Again, enjoying your work a lot. Thanks, David

  21. Greetings Paul. Really enjoy the stuff on your web site. Was wondering if you might be interested in a little over two hours of uncollected material from Karl Wallinger & World Party. I put together a collection for myself a number of years ago and would be glad to share it with the masses if desired.

  22. Hi Paul. Great stuff. I found you via the Fegmaniax FB page. I'm a huge Hitchcock and Barrett fan. I also love lots of your other stuff, especially Neil Young and Cat Stevens. BTW, it Zippyshare says that the file doesn't exists for Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers - Live Cover Versions, 2012-2016

  23. Have you considered doing a Jason Isbell/Amanda Shires covers collection from their I So Lounging quarantine show? Lots of amazing songs in there:

    Here are some of them:

    I So Lounging

    Ep. 29
    These Days 13:39

    Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiin (John Prine)

    Ep. 27
    I Want to Sing That Rock and Roll by Gillian Welch 25:00

    Ep. 25
    You Should’ve Seen The Other Guy (Nathaniel Rateliff quarantine cover)
    Into The Mystic (Van Morrison quarantine cover 31:35

    Ep. 22
    Mutineer 56:00-58:45

    Ep. 20
    1. Angel From Montgomery - John Prine
    2. Clocks and Spoons - John Prine
    3. Illegal Smile - John Prine

    Ep. 18
    Come Together

    Ep. 17
    1. Daughter (Loudon Wainwright III quarantine cover)
    2. Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen)

    Ep. 16
    Unknown Legend (A Neil Young quarantine cover)

    Ep. 13
    Don't Let It Bring You Down

    Ep. 12
    Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd quarantine cover)

    Ep. 11
    Live Forever by Billy Joe Shaver
    Storm Windows by John Prine

    Ep. 9
    High and Dry - A Radiohead quarantine cover
    Nobody Knows You (When You're Down and Out) - A Bessie Smith quarantine cover

    Ep. 5
    Just Be Simple (Jason Molina cover),
    Chelsea Hotel #2 (Leonard Cohen cover),
    You Were Always on my Mind (Willie Nelson cover),
    That's All (Genesis cover)

    Ep. 3
    Mutineer 27:57

    Ep. 2
    Pancho and Lefty 16:11

    1. Good suggestion. I've never heard of this duo before, but I'll check em out.

  24. Cool, I think you'll really like them. They're in the Tom Petty southern rock tradition.

  25. This is fantastic! My spare time is already in use for the next months or so ! Please keep up this good work, Paul !

  26. Hi Paul. I was downloading Bowie stuff from your site the other day (thanks) when I spotted there were many Bowie covers. I immediately hatched the idea to collect them (I'm a hardcore Bowie fan) into the collection I attach here. I hope you don't mind. By all means post it on your site if you so wish (or tell me to get lost).

    1. Thanks. But when I tried to download that, I got a message saying the file is either of unknown format or damaged. :(

  27. That's spooky because other people have d/l OK. Do you usually have problems with zippyshare?

  28. Just a thank you, I share most of your tastes in music (e.g. early Bonnie Raitt), and have done the same kind of imaginary album thing, for awhile now! Assuming you would be interested in some of the ones I have done, how could I share with you? I am happy to put them on zippyshare, but would I just post the links here in your comments section, to reach you? Thankyouthankyouthankyou, never downloaded so much from a single website in my life, that's how much a love your choices!! Mike

  29. Hey Paul, also, is there any easy way to locate any of your albums that have been taken down, on music search engines? Can you post a list of names of those albums, or is there any tag that would help one to search for them through music search engines? Mike

    1. The only ones taken down that I know of are the Tom Petty albums. They're all still here, just without download links, so you can search for them. If you want the music, you can still get that through the free program SoulseekQT. I highly recommend you give that a try.

  30. Paul, your blog is must read / listen every day. Since you've been doing some home concerts, I wanted to ask about one of my favorite artists: Randall Bramblett. He has been a solo artist, a member of Sea Level, and played on many of the old Capricorn Records artists. I believe he's posted several home concerts on his Facebook page with more coming. I'm technologically challenged - otherwise I'd take a shot at it. Regardless, thanks for listening, and thanks for all that you do.

    1. If you send me a link, I'll check it out.

    2. Thanks for the reply! He has performed six home concerts thus far. You can see them at

    3. Thanks for that. If I listen to just one for starters, which one would you recommend?

    4. I've been following him and Chuck Leavell since 1976 when they formed Sea Level. I'm sort of biased on both since I've not yet encountered a song or performance I didn't thoroughly enjoy. That being the case, why not start with the first concert? It's probably the one where the music stands or falls since the whole home concert idea was new at the time. If you like it, I believe you'll enjoy the rest. If not, then no harm no foul. Thanks again for considering my request / recommendation.

    5. Hi again. I read yesterday that Randall Bramblett is in the process of migrating his home concerts from Facebook onto his web site. If I may ask, how does one go about converting an online video into one or more WAV files? If I can get the master file, I have editing software (Audacity) to split the tracks. The challenge with YouTube, Facebook, Spotify (exclusive content only) is actually ripping the music online. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    6. I often use this program to convert video to audio. There are others that are similar:

      If it's coming from YouTube, this is a good one:

    7. Thanks Paul. I'll give it a go and see what I can do. Appreciate your help.

  31. This is a great site. So many of my favorite live artists are here: Derek and the Dominos, Traffic, Airplane, Neil Young, The Kinks, Stevie Wonder and Fleetwood Mac (to name a few). I need to get Zippyshare!

  32. Hi Paul. Just wanted to say thank-you for such an amazing blog/site. I stumbled on it searching for a Neil Young collection, and have spent the last week exploring and downloading (nowhere near finished yet.....).

    I can't imagine the amount of work you've put in, it's just extraordinary.

    Thanks again.

    For anyone having Zippyshare problems (as I was) I'd recommend downloading Tor Browser - it seems to work fine here in the UK. You may have to use 'new identity' or 'new circuit for this site' from the menu in the top right corner now and then if the '403 Forbidden' comes up, but I've been able to download everything I want using it.

    1. Thanks for the praise. I don't understand though how the Tor Browser works though. How does that help you with Zippyshare exactly?

  33. Not sure I fully understand it really, it was something that was suggested when I googled 'Zippyshare problems'. I *think* the browser acts a bit like a VPN and disguises where you are. It certainly works in England anyway, and I haven't been able to use Zippyshare for years (until I found your site nothing was important enough to find a solution!).

    Zippyshare seems to realise where you are after a download session, or sometimes during it, but the 'new identity' or 'new circuit' function resets that and it works again straight away.

  34. Hi, Paul: Hope you caught the KT Tunstall live show streamed Saturday night from Santa Barbara's Lobero Theater. Fantastic show. Up for about 24 hours more if you missed it:

    1. Thanks, but I looked around that website and couldn't find it. Could you point me to a link, or better yet, zip it up and send it to me? It sounds great.

  35. Paul, thank you for sharing your vision on these albums with us all. Is there an e-mail address which we can send you a question instead of posting it here?

  36. Can I suggest 2 stray tracks albums that should definitely exist? 1) Bobbie Gentry - her magnificent Capitol box set contains most of her essential work, but she made a couple of earlier recordings, a handful of mmovie themes, and several good tracks for a projected Warner Brothers album which never appeared. I can give you a list and MP3s of most of these if you're interested. 2) David Ackles - review copies of "There Is A River", a collection of his 3 Elektra albums, were sent out but legal troubles then cancelled the release. The bonus tracks from this set should be more widely available.

    1. Sorry, not really interested in David Ackles, but I'd be interested in Bobbie Gentry. I'd be curious to see the list and mp3s for that. But did you notice I posted an album of some of her rarities already? I imagine that has a lot of the songs you're talking about.

    2. I didn't see that post before, because for some reason her name does not appear in your "labels" list - maybe you can fix that. Your post contains some of the tracks I waas thinking of, but not all.

  37. I just "found" your blog, and would like to thank you for all of this great, mostly missed, music. I love the trove of Norah Jones - thanks again for these hard-to-find tracks.

    I picked up a track on YouTube that i haven't found anywhere else: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (2014)

    Thanks again,
    Mike M

    1. Glad you like. ;)

      I have that song already on my Norah album "In the Dark."

  38. Hello Paul,
    Greetings from London, which means I am a Tor Browser user, and I use it just like other London posters have described above. Pleased to say it works well for me. Hooray😊
    Being from London I use English Date Format. Please consider how you express the date, as a copy paste gives us English a totally misleading date such as a concert date. I suppose hard for you to change, I know old habits die hard. Maybe use 19730704 🤔

    What interest do you have in he guitarist Paul Kossoff and his band Free, not that singer PaulR, its the guitarist I would love to hear more of.

    The other band that is missing from your portfolio is Wishbone Ash, if you say you have little interest I won't believe you.

    🎵 Thank you for the Music,


  39. Quiet interesting, BUT I can't open anything on Zippy - all I got is a "403 Forbidden". Where am I wrong ?
    Cheers HDN

  40. hey Paul.

    I love your site. I am also a huge Lucinda Williams fan and your comps are fantastic. Would you be interested in Lu performing a solo acoustic cover of the Tammy Wynette song "Apartment #9" from a 1998 radio show? Its a great recording and could work well with any future Lu comps.

    1. Thanks, but I have that already. It's on the album I made called "Pretty Little Poison."

    2. So it is. LOL. Carry on. Nothing to see here...

  41. Maybe check your links from another computer. One that doesn't have you login information. Your links currently don't give any files but pop ups and unknown apps. Dangerous. Would love to dive in though.

  42. Hello -

    I tried to download the Shawn Colvin home concert that you posted, but Zippyshare tells me that the link is dead. Is there any chance you could re-up that show, please? My wife and I are big fans and we would love to hear it. Thanks.

    1. You should have posted this at the Colvin album posting, but yeah, I just fixed the link.

    2. I did post it there 2 weeks ago but I thought maybe you hadn't seen it. Anyway, thanks for the reply and the new link.

  43. Greetings, Paul. I have a request, if I might. I stumbled onto a track listing for a DVD that I thought would make a great CD (or multiple CD set). You can find it at Second Hand Songs. The title of the DVD is One Love - The Bob Marley All-Star Tribute by various artists. You can see the list of artists includes Chrissie Hynde, Erykah Badu, Tracy Chapman, Darius Rucker, as well as members of the Marley family. Thanks and thanks, as always, for putting together such a great blog. I know it's a work of love, but it's still a lot of work. Have a good (and maybe less insane?) year this year.

  44. Paul, thank you for putting all this together "I just LOVE it!" - but off-topic; do you use a particular software to colourise the pictures? I have a couple of Beatle ads that I'm trying to colourise for a project! any suggestions?!?
    P.S. all of your colourisations are stunning!!!

    1. Glad you like. I've been using the program Pixbim. But I've usually had to make further changes in Photoshop to get them to look better.

  45. hey. i discovered your site awhile back and i dig it, as i do the same thing but for myself only.

    as a former musician and a music fan i like the "album covers" you create (which are really good) and that you note general history and / or details for each post (such as the etta james post that i didn't know about)

    i appreciate the time and effort it takes to do these, however i only have a few "notations" if you don't mind that would help in the overall experience.

    this would be doing things that almost all others do which is common practice in that community (and i know you know what i mean) which is keeping the purity of original tracks and providing the proper detailed info. others who have sites like yours generally follow such things as a courtesy for the community.

    though you may have a personal preference of how you want them to be for yourself (which i understand) others would or may prefer them in their original form. it would be helpful overall.


    - incl a text file in the DL listing details on all the tracks and sources in each post (such as recording dates for unreleased material) fans and collectors like to know this stuff. i do know some of your posts DO have tk info noted in the text of the mp3 but its still nice to have it in text, which is a simple cut and paste. ala adding your album covers in jpeg in the DL would be great too.

    - i have only grabbed certain things here, and for those compilation posts, when you edit songs for whatever reason (such as cutting off the intro and outro of live tracks for example) its very annoying. there's a proper way to do editing which is (usually) very easy to do. it would be nice to either edit them properly (so someone else doesn't have to do it) or leave the track in its original form (so someone has the option) this would be very helpful.

    this was especially notable in "the boss" live tks were the talking intros were cut out yet they are essential to those songs. as well as "you shook me" (from a different post) which is part of a long medley. cutting it down from 7:11 to 3:23 doesn't benefit the song at all since its the tail end of the overall track and musically goes nowhere as it was edited. i understand you were trying to keep it within the theme of the post, but since its oop it would be great to have it in its original form or post it in its original form in a future post.

    - though the paragraphs for each post is generally a welcome read, there's no need to list certain details that fans are not knowledgeable about, such as HOW you edited things and related info for example. it would lighten up the read and they can easily be incl in the text file should you want to incl it, which i surely wouldn't mind. generally, the average music fan doesn't care about editing, as long as it sounds good that's all that they care about.

    - it seems you try to keep the quality of the files to 320 which i appreciate, yet i know this is sometimes not a possibility.

    - lastly, i do like zippy and i usually don't have trouble using it so thanks for that. however...the over abundance of pop up ads is unnecessary. you're one of only 2 that i know of that uses zippy and has so many pop up ads that its a major deterrence in my interest in your posts.
    generally speaking i know why they're there so i won't go into details here, but really...its just too much.

    1. Thanks for your comments. I missed them until now. You bring up some good points. If you know of a free file sharing method with unlimited or a very large capacity, please let me know. So far, Zippyshare is the only one I know of that fits my needs, but I'd love to switch, due to the problem you mention. By the way, I hear you can get around the pop up ads by right clicking the download link into a new window.

      As for the info for each song, those are always in the mp3 tags. Just look at those.

      Re: what I write about, I feel obliged to tell people certain things so they'll know what's different with this recording. For instance if I edited out the audience applause and it wasn't originally that way, I feel I should mention that.

  46. Hi Paul, how I can download the albums? Must I to log in? Thank you.

  47. Hello Paul! First and foremost - thank you for sharing your music! I've found artists I never knew - or ones that I now know better. Maybe a lost cause question, but I've got a Lyle Lovett show that I love - but the vocals are way too low and the music, while amazing, is so upfront it takes away from the there a program you recommend that I can use to fix this?

    1. I use the program Audacity for all my sound editing. But I should warn you that you're unlikely to be able to fix the problem you mention unless you're lucky and the vocals are mainly in one channel and the instruments in the other. Unfortunately, there are limits to what one can do with sound editing due to the way all the vocals and instruments usually mix together.

  48. That's kinda what I thought...but I wanted to see. Thanks for the help. Keep Rockin' and stay well!

  49. Hi - and thanx so much for all this great music! I love the albums that don't exist format and principle - simply brilliant!!!!
    You mentioned in your blog recently that you would create a version of the Moody Blues "Days of future passed" WITHOUT orchestration?
    I appreciate that you may have many priorities, but I wish you may be able to do that soon as I would LOVE to hear that - like you I dislike the orchestra and it would be great to her just the music by the band"!!!
    Here's hoping!

    1. Thanks. And yes, that's still happening. I'll try to get to posting that one soon, since you asked for it.

  50. Phenomenal site Paul - thank you for your knowledge, insight, and most of all the sweet gift of music. Hope you're up for a challenge... are you able to locate/upload a quality (studio or live) recording of Jackson Browne performing his song The Fairest Of The Seasons? I have two different demo versions of the song but they are full of pops and I think it is likely Greg Copeland on vocals.

    Kind regards, Jay

    1. Sorry, I don't know anything about that problem. But I just searched YouTube, and found a version of him singing it in 2018:

      As for really early versions, his voice drastically changed around 1971, so it's possible the versions you have are him but just don't sound like him.

    2. Also, here's an early version of him singing it:

      Commenters there agree it's him. It's just that his voice sounded very different back then.

    3. Hi Paul - thanks for the followup. I have heard both these recordings previously... was hoping there may be other live or demos versions with better fidelity. He performed it live on a few occasions, mainly in 2014. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any boots from those shows.

  51. Hello Paul,
    I've only today discovered your fantastic albums that should exist site. I have been going over all your entries for Neil young. I am interested in following the supplied links to the individual album downloads but I get inundated with popups and cannot get to the DL. Is there a way to get to the DLs? Is there a signon or something to get past the popups? Thanks, Ji. in Ottawa Canada

    1. I suggest right clicking on the download button and opening as a new tab. That usually gets past the crap. If that doesn't work, I also share everything through SoulseekQT.

  52. First off, the work here is a tremendous accomplishment. Your research and dedication is admirable and we definitely have similar tastes in music. However, I've been unable to get past the Zippyshare conundrum. I've been downloading music off of blogs for 25 years and I've dealt with pretty much every file sharing service that's ever been invented - including Zippyshare. However, this is the first time in recent memory I've been unable to do so. The Zippyshare links bring me to what looks like a standard download page, complete with continuous pop ups and several buttons that say "download." However when left clicking or right clicking any of the buttons, the result is the same. I did a quick peak at the HTML for the Zippyshare page and it turns out that the entire background of the page - the whole page basically - is just one big hyperlink that triggers whatever engine is producing all of the pop ups and new tabs opening. My malware filters where going crazy pretty much the whole time I had the page open. So it's pretty much just a spam honey pot. I've tried it on 3 different browsers, so that's not it. It's a shame to do all of this work and not have a proper platform to share it. I have no idea of another alternative although I see a lot of folks using MEGA these days.

  53. There are different solutions, such as using a VPN to hide your country location. But the easiest probably is just to use the free file sharing program SoulseekQT. I put all my music there too. It's easy to use and it has an incredible amount of music in general. Just search for the artist and/or album name, plus "atse" (for Albums That Should Exist).

  54. You have become a favorite morning-go-to. Love what you're doing and look forward to my morning click. Time to catch up on the years I've missed now.

    Thanks again.

  55. Hi Paul...I just stumbled across your blog yesterday and I'm glad I did. You are doing a great job here. I have DL most if not all of your Nick Drake, Elliott Smith & Tracy Chapman stuff so far, and loving it. I just have a question. You always comment on where you got the cover art from, or how you edited existing artwork to create your covers...but, except for one Tract Chapman I DL, none have come with the cover art. Is That an oversight or is it something up with the program I am using to unzip?
    Thanks, Dawn

    1. Glad you like the site. Most of the downloads just contain the music, not the cover art. If that's not the case for you, you got lucky. (I've been working on adding them the last six months or so, but most albums were posted before then.) If the cover isn't included, just right click on the picture and save it to your computer.

  56. First of all many thanks for all your work here, you post some great stuff!
    You have never posted anything of Robert Palmer, perhaps you don't care for his stuff, but he deserves an album (or an ep perhaps) that should exist...
    Lee Perry produced and mixed a couple of his songs of which Love Can Run Faster (1979 b-side) is the only one released until now. I remember seeing announcements on Amazon that these would be released:
    Extra bonus tracks for Double Fun 2007 expanded remastered version:
    10. You Overwhelm Me (Alternate Vocals) (Bonus Track)
    11. Let Me Feel Your Thing (Bonus Track)
    12. Love Can Run Faster (Lee Perry Version) (Bonus Track)
    13. Love Can Run Faster (Dub Version) (Bonus Track)
    14. Best Of Both Worlds (Lee Perry Version) (Bonus Track)
    15. So Fine (Lee Perry Version) (Bonus Track)
    16. You're Gonna Get What's Coming (Alternate Mix) (Bonus Track)

    The expended edition never materialized, but maybe there was a promo?

  57. Due to a reference on Cover Me I discovered this treasure trove. What a piece of work. Thank you and carry on.

  58. Hi Paul, first thanks for the great content on the page is very valuable, I wanted to ask if you could resubmit some links to download the bootlegs of Paul Weller, are expired and I would like to get the material, I hope you can resubmit the files as soon as possible or when you can, a hug, thank you very much :)

  59. Thanks for all your hard work on this mighty project. I was wondering when some of the works in progress that you have mentioned previously might be completed. In particular Volume 3 of 1000 Years of Popular Music by Richard Thompson and (going further back) the alternate version of The Wall by Pink Floyd. Has it been scrapped? Keep up the good work.

  60. Hi, I love your Blog - always something new, fresh and interesting to listen to!!!
    I wonder if you would be able and/or willing to search out and post some stuff about two of my favourite artists - hopefully there may be sme material available not often heard or unheard by....
    !. Ten late, great and genius Laura Nyro.....and,
    2. The fantastic Cardigans rom Sweden - such an underrated, incredible band!!!!
    Here's hoping,
    Many thanx,

  61. Paul, glad to see you back from vaca... i have a favor to ask... it is always okay to say 'no'! I'm asking if you could colorize the ad for 'Hey Jude' by The Beatles?!? It is part of a project and this one photo is holding up completion. i have low res copies and 1 hi-res which i can make available to you...

    1. If you point me at the hi res one, I can give it a look, to see how hard it is.

    2. Paul,
      i loaded pics to Hoping you can help me

      Thank you,

  62. Paul,
    i loaded pics to Hoping you can help me

    Thank you,

  63. Just picked up the Ronnie Lane ARMS concert. Legend. Thank you!

  64. Dear Paul,

    Firstly, thank you so much for all your work. Your efforts are deeply appreciated.

    I would like to please make a suggestion/request, if I may. With the release of Dylan's new Bootleg Series volume "Springtime in New York", now would be an ideal time to create a superior version of his 1983 album "Infidels".

    Kind Regards,

    1. Good suggestion. I definitely plan on doing stuff with songs from that new release. But I have a couple other Dylan things I want to get to first, to try to stay in rough chronological order.

  65. Hello Paul,
    My client, Smash Addams is a big fan of your blog. Would you be interested in featuring any of his livestreams, etc? GMAIL me at barelytherestudio

  66. Links can be provided, he told me to say (or I'm fired).

    1. Hi, thanks, but I have to post the music I know and like. However, I'll put his music on the list of stuff to give a listen.

  67. Hello Paul:

    As I mentioned in a recent post, I lost my backup hard drive and thus a large chunk of files I found on your web site. Thus far I've been sending individual messages for reposts of any album with a missing or dead link. Shall I continue to do this, or would you prefer I send a list one time? I appreciate the work you do on this site, and the generous amount of content you've posted. My intent in asking this is to assure that I don't flood you with numerous unwanted / unnecessary requests. Again, thanks for your time and help.

    1. Sorry to hear about a lost drive. I know the pain! If you want to send a list, that'll work. I appreciate when dead links are pointed out, so I can fix them.

  68. Hi Paul:

    I've finished catching up on my lost downloads. As of now, I have identified six remaining posts with broken links. They are:

    Bob Dylan - Lay Down Your Weary Tune (1963)

    Johnny Cash - Sin and Redemption: Live Acoustic American Recordings (1994)

    Rod Stewart with Ron Wood - MTV Unplugged, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, CA, 2-5-1993 (Unplugged... and Seated)

    U2 - Blow Your House Down - Various Songs (1990-1991)

    U2 - Salome - Various Songs (1991-1992)

    U2 - Summer of Love (Acoustic Version) (Song Edit) (2018)

    Any help you could provide to help me get these posts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for the reposts you've already provided for me today.


    1. All these should work now. Let me know if they don't.

    2. All the links work and I'm finally caught up. THANK YOU for all your help!

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Paul, thank you for your Blog, it really is a lot of fun! I was at the NYC ARMS Concert so it was great to get the Dallas show on my phone. I love the effort you put into it all, the artwork is VERY appreciated. Kinda like the cheese on a pizza to me. When you have time someday, can you re do the link for Various Artists - Covered: Chuck Berry, Alternates, 1963-1999 please? It's the only one I tried to download that is no loner on Zippyshare. Love Zippyshare BTW. No waiting forever for a download. Check out my blog. None of the download links are live anymore, but it was fun when I did it. No time right now for me to keep it up. Thanks for your stuff!

    1. Thanks for the comments. I'm glad to get some positive feedback on the cover art. You can't have pizza without the cheese on top! :)

      I just fixed the Berry alternates link.

  71. Paul, I like your blog a lot, and I appreciate your great taste in music.
    Also you do a wonderful work with the artworks, so we can only try to imagine the work it represents !
    Ok, Idon't know if you're interested in some wants, but Imay always try...
    If you ca find the following shows :
    Molly Tuttle 2019-08-31, Four Corners Folk Festival, Reservoir Hill, Pagosa Springs, CO

    Molly Tuttle - Live at Grimey’s

    I'd appreciate very much.
    Anyway if can't find them, your work is amazing !

  72. This is a wonderful blog, Paul. Thanks for sharing your treasures.
    Some time ago, you posted some complete sets from the original Woodstock festival and I was hoping you might continue with more by bands whose complete sets are especially hard to find -- specifically, Ten Years After, Keef Hartley, Country Joe McDonald, Country Joe and the Fish, and the Butterfield Blues Band. Many thanks for whatever you can provide.

    1. I suppose I could post the Butterfield Blues Band set. That was a pretty good one.

  73. Buen día. No imaginas l que aprecio tu labor. Ya entro en los 69 revivo cuando a los 14 Dylan empezó a susurrarme. Mi destino profesional hizo casi imposible seguir de cerca e desarrollo de la música que en este esplendido blog me acompaña. Sin embargo, ahora puedo hacer realidad mis sueños.
    Por eso agradezco que personas como tú nos provean de música tan seleccionada. Por cierto, intento disfrutar de la musica sin éxito. Veo los enlaces y "error". ¿Puedes facilitarme el camino?. Repito felicitaciones por tu estudiada selección. Cordiales saludos desde Cantabria. Juan Carlos

    1. Hi Juan, I don't speak Spanish, but I used Google Translate to read your comments. See this:

      If you're having trouble downloading things from my blog, for instance you click on a ZippyShare link and get an annoying ad, I have a few recommendations.

      1) Try right clicking on the link, and opening it in a new window. People say that helps.
      2) Use an ad blocker add on or extension for your browser. That's what I do, and it leaves Zippyshare free of all the crud. Plus, it's a good thing that helps you avoid ads when browsing on the Internet in general. There's a bunch to choose from, and they're generally free.
      3) Use a VPN. That stands for Virtual Private Network. Zippyshare is banned in a few European countries, so this is a way to hide what country you're in. Actually, it's a good (and perfectly legal) thing to do when browsing the Internet in general.
      3) If all else fails, I also share everything I post on my blog through the music file-sharing program SoulseekQT. It's free, no strings attached, and super easy to use. Just search for the artist and album title, plus "atse" (which stands for "Albums That Should Exist").

  74. Hi Paul--
    Link is still down for the Grateful Dead Ramble On Rose album. I'm hoping it's not gone permanently? I have all the others. Great research, by the way. I really appreciate it!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Hi
    I have just found your blog and 'what have I been doing for the last ** years?' kind of crossed my mind. One question to ask is there anyway in which I can be emailed when you place a new review on your blog?


  77. Hi Paul
    I've dug your blog for some time now. I am a fan of Tom Jones and especially enjoyed your BBC posts. I have a 4 CD set from BMG from 1997 of tracks taken from his Coast To Coast TV specials. Tell me how I can send you a link and I'll send it if you like. Later, imnokid.

  78. This is a great great site!! You have done a tremendous amount of work!
    I was trying to get Vol 1 & 2 of Bert Berns and Jerry Ragovoy Covered but the links are expired Can you tell me what to search for on Soulseek QT or can you re post?

  79. Love the blog! What is the password? Thanks!

  80. I LOVE your work - I found you while searching for Robyn Hitchcock and Paul Weller outtakes, and you had already done what I was dreaming about. AMAZING jobs!!!!

    FYI, the following links are dead (and I will try to figure out this SoulSeek for the poor Petty collections):
    Robyn Hitchcock - Luxor - Acoustic Versions (2003)
    Robyn Hitchcock - Spooked - Acoustic Versions (2004)
    Robyn Hitchcock - Ole Tarantula - Acoustic Versions (2006)
    Robyn Hitchcock - Goodnight Oslo & Propellor Time - Acoustic Versions (2009-10)
    Robyn Hitchcock - Acoustic Covers, Volume 3: 1996-1998
    Robyn Hitchcock - Acoustic Covers, Volume 6: 2004-2005
    Robyn Hitchcock - Acoustic Covers, Volume 7: 2005-2006
    Robyn Hitchcock - Acoustic Covers, Volume 9: 2009-2011
    Robyn Hitchcock - Tin Angel, Philadelphia, PA, 3-25-1995, Late Show
    Robyn Hitchcock - Tin Angel, Philadelphia, PA, 3-26-1995, Late Show
    Robyn Hitchcock with Sean Nelson - KEXP Studios Seattle WA 4-15-2016

    Paul Weller - Brand New Start - Various Songs (1996-1998)
    Paul Weller - Changes - Various Songs (1993-1995)
    Paul Weller - Fly on the Wall - Various Acoustic Songs, 1990 - 1993
    Paul Weller - Arrival Time - Various Studio Songs, 1990 - 1992
    Paul Weller - Tin Soldier - Live Songs, 1990-1992
    Paul Weller - Talisman - Various Songs (2002-2003)

    David Bowie - Under Pressure - Various Songs (1977-1982)
    David Bowie - Tonight - Alternate Version (1984)

    Joe Jackson - Live at The Savoy, New York City, 7-8-1981
    Joe Jackson - Night by Night - Cover Versions (2012-2017)

    The White Stripes - Walking with a Ghost - Various Songs (2004-2005)
    The White Stripes - Let's Shake Hands - Various Songs (1997-2000)

    Rolling Stones - A Second Helping of Goats Head Soup - Various Songs (1973-1974)

    Chris Stamey live

    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Mercy Mercy - Various Songs (2006-2007)

    VA - Rock Trump Out vol 2

    Allen Toussaint vol 2&3


    1. Wow, that's quite a list. Thank you so much for helping to figure out the dead links! I really appreciate it. It took a while, but I fixed all those links. While I was at it, I changed the mp3 tags and rebalanced the volume levels between songs for all those albums, plus all the other albums I posted for the While Stripes, Paul Weller, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    2. No, dude - thank YOU so much for all your efforts!

    3. You fixed every single link except for Robyn's 2 late shows at the Tin Angel, and I'm forever grateful.

    4. I just fixed those two links as well. If you want to find more broken links, I would definitely appreciate it. Links just seem to die on their own sometimes, and I don't know they're broken until someone speaks up.

  81. Hi Paul, congrats on a great resource. I'm working on a Dave Edmunds project and your info on the 70s live concerts is very useful. Any chance of asking you a few a q's on details about the 77,78,79 shows ? btw Dave confirms Keith Richards was the Bottom Line 1978 as you say, and not 79 as Mr Lowe once commented. Thanks

    1. Sure, but I don't know that much. I just use internet resources like to figure things out.

  82. I'm G, the 'unknown' from 4/24 - to immensely thank you, I'm putting up for your d/l a raw recording of Robyn Hitchcock from a couple nights ago at the Largo in West Hollywood. I don't know if it's up to your audio standards, but if so, feel free to work your magic on it!
    Set1: Raymond Chandler Eve, Balloon Man, My Dead Wife, Devil's Coachman, Wax Doll, Glass, cheese alarm, the lizard, glass hotel, birdshead, so you think. Set2: flavor of night, man who invented imself, ted woody & junior, often dream of trains, element of light, im only you, insanely jealous, Yip Song (audio problems) Ride, Queen of Eyes E: Somewhere Apart, Astronomy Domine, Madonna of the Wasps. All solo acoustic except some w/ Emma Swift on harmonies. Enjoy!

  83. Paul
    I love this site and all the effort you put into it. But can I as an Englishman mention to you that Britain is no longer used. Britain was the name for England Wales Scotland and Northern France. When we lost France the name changed to Great Britain. The when Northern Ireland joined it became The United Kingdom. Usually these days reduced to UK. So London, UK. would be more correct. Just a small point but it would be easier to use on album covers.
    PS i am enjoying your BBC albums, such a treasure trove. I hope you don't take offence to this comment.

  84. Thank you, Paul!
    I admire your expertise (for example, the Bob Dylan - Gaslight Cafe album is infinitely better with your edits and fixes than the official release). I, too, have attempted to do some of this with other recordings, but I stand in awe of your work. Earlier, I posted that a couple of Maria McKee links had expired, but then as you suggested, I found them "in another place," so I have deleted the comments. However, I was unable to find the two live shows by Sam Phillips (Largo and The Variety Playhouse). Far be it from me to complain, though. Your site is an amazing treasure trove of lost and/or repaired and/or improved recordings. It would be nice to offer you something in return, but the few things I've done (for instance, replacing the edited harmonica solo with the unedited version in Dylan's Blowin' in the Wind on the Masked & Anonymous DVD, and correcting a couple of Dylan's lyric flubs on the Rolling Thunder Revue live box set). Regardless, I can't thank you enough!

  85. Hello Paul, I'm Blank Frank, owner of the blog And Your Bird Can Swing. Like you, I make compilations that should exist but don't and a lot of career-spanning singles collections.

    I'm contacting you here to see if you'd be interested in hosting my 'projects'. I haven't posted anything for a couple of years but I continue to make them. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time or interest in maintaining a blog properly.

    Please contact me privately at if you're interested.

    Thanks and best wishes,

  86. Hi Paul. This is such a fantastic site and love the work you do. It is so appreciated. I hadn't noticed all the Dusty Springfield you have here till this morning - amazing! I am a huge Dusty fan and tried to download these but most of the links are either expired or don't seem to work :-( I don't know how hard it is to re-up these but if there is any way it would be great or if there is something I can do to help (probably not but just in case) let me know. Also a lot of sites have Donate options but I've never seen one on your site but would certainly to so if it helps. Thanks again for all you do. Robert.

  87. Your new Reina del Cid & Toni Lindgren entry made me curious, and I enjoy them a lot! But I found that your Sunday Morning collections volumes 1-10 have broken links.

  88. hi paul i have just found your sight, brilliant , iam a big fan of paul weller and the jam please could you re up the following because links dead

    the jam acoustic demos 1978-1982
    the jam band demos vol 1 1977-1978
    paul weller devotion 2010-2012
    paul weller this old town 2007-2009
    paul weller shine on 2004-2005
    paul weller tales from the riverbank 2003-2005
    paul weller circles 1999-2001
    paul weller slide away 1997-2001
    paul weller reason to believe 1994-1995
    paul weller changes 1993-1995
    paul weller tin soldier 1990-1992

    not very good with computers thankyou very much mark

    1. Thanks for pointing out all those dead links. I just fixed all of them.

  89. Hello Paul, I'm a big fan of your blog. You are doing a great job. Is it possible to fix the dead links of Dusty Springfield? Thanks

    1. Please specify which ones and I'll fix them.

  90. Hi Paul, first time posting... I have a suggestion for a future CSN(Y) project. In 2004, CSN released a DVD called "Daylight Again," (no relation to the album of the same name), which covers a great 1982 performance at the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles. If you have the DVD and can put together a set of audio tracks from this show, it would be most appreciated by CSN fans everywhere. In any event, thank you for all of the great music that you have made available!

  91. Hello.
    I really appreciate all the great music you've shared. You recently fixed a bunch of dead Robyn Hitchcock links. The Globe of Frogs Acoustic Versions, however, remains inactive. Any chance you could fix that one?
    Also wondering if you've ever come across Robyn's version of "I Walk the Line." It was on a limited 7" and he did it for a streaming concert that I missed. I'd love to hear that!
    Thanks again!

    1. Wondering why you didn't post that comment with that album. But anyway, I just fixed it. I've never come across that "I Walk the Line," sorry. Let me know if you ever get it.

  92. I just discovered a big bunch of BBC recordings at - click on the "BBC" tag at the right. I'm not sure if it's on your list of sources for your BBC posts, but it's worth checking out.

  93. paul - i've been a most avid fan of your site for many years. i would like to give back a bit of the treasures i've received. i have an entire Michelle Shocked concert from NYC Lone Star Cafe 1991 that is as outstanding a performance of hers as i've attended in my many years of her concerts since the '80s. she was incredibly on, backed by the Bad Livers. i have two CD single files of the entire show archived, and a single tracked CD i extracted of 11 outstanding favorites. the sound is very high quality. either or both can be uploaded for you to inspect and perhaps share with your site's fans. regards. - TomNYC

    1. Glad you enjoy the site. And feel free to send the MS concert on. My email address is thompson22 @ (remove the spaces).

  94. Hi. This looks like a marvelous site apart from because I live in UK I can't get to Zippyshare. Any suggestions please?

  95. Hi Paul,

    As ever your site is a revelation but I was wondering if you'd ever considered doing any 'albums' by the Action/ Mighty Baby / Habibaya/ Reg King. As a big fan of these bands, particularly the Action I do wonder if amongst their recordings is the greatest British Pop Psych album that never was but should have been. Like the Zombies they perhaps produced some of their best music as they were in the throes of breaking up.

    The uncovered Action psych tracks were praised when released under the title Rolled Gold mantle but I don't think anyone has sat down and really considered what an album by the Action in 1967 / 1968 /1969 or after would have looked like?

    I have most of their releases including the Action and Mighty Baby boxsets, the two Reg King releases and the Habibaya album so if its something that might interest you let me know? I'm happy to provide the source materials for someone like yourself with some experience of putting these albums together...

    Anyway I leave you to ponder the idea?

    PS I'm on Soulseek as well

  96. Paul - Posted Ms Shocked w-the Bad Livers for you yesterday (Feb 24) on WeTransfer. You should be notified via email with a download link by now. If inaccessible for any reason let me know, will try Ydray - Best, Tom.

  97. Hi Paul. I just saw that Zippyshare is shutting down in a couple weeks. Hopefully there's another host that you can use. I love these projects you share.

    1. Whoa! Seriously?! Damn! I'd better do something. Thanks for the tip!

  98. I have enjoyed much of what you have posted here. Thanks. Including the Gordon Lightfoot posts. I came across a great sounding concert from 1972 you might be interested in. It is music taken from a DVD, BBC In Concert. The quality of the recording is great. And it features music from my favorite two albums of his, Sit Down Young Stranger and Summer Side of Life.

    You can probably research and find it, but also happy to share what if I have.

    1. Are you talking about this album?:
      It was recorded in 1971, but first broadcast in 1972.

    2. Ah, yep, that's the one! I should have known that it was already in your wheelhouse! Keep up the good work!

  99. Hi Paul: I've been a big fan of your blog for years. I seem to recall your posting a 1968 concert by Deep Purple back when Rod Evans was the lead singer. Unfortunately it seems to have disappeared. Any change of reposting it?

  100. Hi Paul: I love your blog and have been following it almost daily for some time now. I have noticed that while you have some Band and Robbie Robertson albums, that you don't have anything from Levon Helm. Is it that you don't care for his post-Band material? I have put together an album of his late-career rarities that I think holds together really well. I would be happy to share the list with you if you are interested. In any event, keep up the good work! Thanks.

    1. If you want to send me something, I'll give it a listen, sure.

    2. What's the best way to send it to you?

    3. My email is thompson22 at (replace at with the at symbol and remove spaces)

  101. Hi, I'm new to this blog as of the holiday weekend. Thought I'd introduce myself. Great stuff. I wonder if you could put Loudon Wainwright's A Live One up. It's way out of print as far as I know. I love that album and it would be great to hear it again even if a dub from vinyl. Also, can you refer me to another blog like this deals with the harder rock stuff. Just wondering and thanks for all you do, you maniac.

    1. I don't know about that one. But I do have a TON of Loudon BBC stuff. So maybe that will satisfy you. I don't know about a hard rock blog like this, sorry. Oh, and thanks for calling me a "maniac." That's a first, and I like it. :)

  102. Hey, Paul
    Thank you for everything you do (especially a couple of the obscure requests I made a while back). It might be worth checking out Teenage Fanclub. I know that 9 CDs of unreleased material are out there, and that doesn't include concerts (maybe a couple of stray live tracks, but no more than a couple of tracks from any one show).
    Just a suggestion.

    1. I can't say I've gotten into them enough to want to take a deep dive like that, sorry.

  103. Your site is a breath of fresh air. Love your fire for deep digging, editing and sharing treasured recordings, especially the well recorded lost finds. Thank you!

    1. Thanks a lot. That's what this site is all about. :)

  104. Hey Paul,

    frequent visitor and infrequent commenter on your blog for a couple of years now, I finally launched my own music blog, which has some similarities to yours (i.e. alternative albums, self-made compilations, "lost" albums), though with my own tack on it.

    The first discussion on your blog was about Morning (and country-rock/Americana in general). Expect more of that kind of music on my blog.

    Anyway, as one of my "inspirations", it'd sure be nice to have you swing by some time and see what you think of it.



  105. Greetings... A fella who has an Instagram page dedicated to Doug Yule , a member of the Velvet Underground , recommended your blog to me . Thank you so much for the enhanced 1969 Dallas End of Cole VU show ...It's nice to hear better sound on that recording ... Have you considered uploading your files in FLAC format ... lossless sound quality, better than mp3, would capture all the fine work you do .
    Happy Holiday
    Robert DuPont

  106. Hello, can i suggest you take a look at the Teardrop Explodes radio sessions. Most, but not all, are spread around different releases. i think you'll like them.

  107. Hi Great website. Came across it by accident.
    When I download an album the tracks play on my computer okay but do not play on an mp3 player machine or in my car. The files are compressed so is that something to do with it? I can play the tracks on my computer and record them on Wave Pad Editor and then that turns them into mp3 tracks that do play on an mp3 player and they do play in the car but I have to sit through them all. Is there anyway the tracks can be downloaded and play straight away (without me having to record them one by one each time)?

  108. I think I have solved my own problem. I transfer each track from the Compressed folder to a new folder and then they seem to play all right. Thanks
