Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Jackson Browne - VH-1 Storytellers, The Hit Factory, New York City, 4-18-1996

Here's yet another episode of the "VH-1 Storytellers" show. This time, it's Jackson Browne.

A couple of months before this episode, Browne released the studio album "Looking East." No doubt the songs selected for the show were taken from a longer concert, since that was the usual procedure for the concert. Whoever picked them only chose one song from the new album, "Barricades of Heaven." Pretty much all the other songs were from the 1970s.

As usual, the episode had the annoying habit of starting in the middle of the first song. But in this case, I was able to find a very similar sounding version of the first song, "Running on Empty," from a different 1996 concert. I merged the two versions together. That's why that song has "[Edit]" in its title. But really, I could have put "[Edit]" in most of the titles, because I had to do a lot of editing to make this more listening. As I'm doing for most of these Storytellers, I often had to add bits of applause at the ends of songs because those frequently were suddenly cut short in order to go to a commercial break on the TV show.

I believe all the performances here are officially unreleased.

This album is 45 minutes long.

01 Running on Empty [Edit] (Jackson Browne)
02 talk (Jackson Browne)
03 Rock Me on the Water (Jackson Browne)
04 talk (Jackson Browne)
05 Doctor My Eyes (Jackson Browne)
06 talk (Jackson Browne)
07 Rosie (Jackson Browne)
08 talk (Jackson Browne)
09 Barricades of Heaven [Lost Verse] (Jackson Browne)
10 Barricades of Heaven (Jackson Browne)
11 talk (Jackson Browne)
12 Something Fine (Jackson Browne)
13 talk (Jackson Browne)
14 The Pretender (Jackson Browne)
15 talk (Jackson Browne)
16 For Everyman (Jackson Browne)
17 talk (Jackson Browne)

The download link has been removed due to a copyright issue, sorry. But look at the comments below.

I could have taken a screenshot from a video of this concert, but that would have looked low-res and blurry. Instead, I used a photo from a concert that took place at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, California, on September 14, 1996.


  1. Check this out to download the music here:
