Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Jorma Kaukonen - Home Concerts 4, Fur Peace Ranch, Pomeroy, OH, 5-23-2020 to 11-21-2020

I still have quite a backlog of home concerts from 2020 to post. So here's one more. 

This is the last one of Jorma Kaukonen. Unfortunately, even though he's been playing home concerts pretty much every week from the start of the pandemic until now (sometimes alone and sometimes as part of Hot Tuna), he tends to play the same songs over and over again. For the three previous volumes, I avoided repeating songs. With this one, the unique songs basically ran out. These are the songs he didn't play in a few months of previous home concerts, so they're generally his rarities. As such, I find this volume the most interesting one.

There isn't much else to say. He's been very consistent with playing at the same place using the same set up for all his home concerts, so the sound quality is uniformly excellent. Also, as I did with previous volumes, I've cut out most of the between song banter except for the bits that are directly relevant to the songs he played. He's typically done long question and answer sessions with questions sent in by fans, so if I included that it would be a totally different thing, with tons more talking.

I don't know why, but I've made the albums in this series rather long, at over an hour apiece. This one is especially long, at an hour and forty minutes. If he ends up doing a handful of unique songs in 2021 home concerts, I'll probably add those and break this in two. But, for now, it is what it is.

I've added one song as a bonus track, "Yes Blues." This cover of the Beatles song was done for a John Lennon tribute concert in October 2020, so it doesn't exactly fit the home concert format. But it's a performance in the same solo acoustic blues style as most of the other songs, so I figure it fits enough to be a bonus track.

01 Broken Highway (Jorma Kaukonen)
02 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
03 A Walk with Friends [Instrumental] (Jorma Kaukonen)
04 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
05 Corners without Exits (Jorma Kaukonen)
06 Roads and Roads and (Jorma Kaukonen)
07 Izze's Lullaby [Instrumental] (Jorma Kaukonen)
08 Ode for Billy Dean (Jorma Kaukonen)
09 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
10 Song from the Stainless Cymbal (Jorma Kaukonen)
11 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
12 What Are They Doing in Heaven Today (Jorma Kaukonen)
13 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
14 Blues Stay Away from Me (Jorma Kaukonen)
15 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
16 Follow the Drinking Gourd [Instrumental] (Jorma Kaukonen)
17 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
18 That'll Never Happen No More (Jorma Kaukonen)
19 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
20 Folsom Prison Blues (Jorma Kaukonen)
21 Great Divide Revisited (Jorma Kaukonen)
22 Soliloquy for 2 (Jorma Kaukonen)
23 Uncle Sam Blues (Jorma Kaukonen)
24 Serpent of Dreams (Jorma Kaukonen)
25 Second Chances (Jorma Kaukonen)
26 Blue Railroad Train (Jorma Kaukonen)
27 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
28 West Coast Blues [Instrumental] (Jorma Kaukonen)
29 talk (Jorma Kaukonen)
30 I'm Free from the Chain Gang Now (Jorma Kaukonen)
31 You and My Old Guitar (Jorma Kaukonen)
32 Vampire Women (Jorma Kaukonen)
33 Yer Blues (Jorma Kaukonen)




The cover art photo is a screen shot from one of the home concerts during this time period. I don't recall which one.

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