Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Derek and the Dominos - Layla Album Outtakes (1970)

I recently posted an album of alternative versions of songs from Derek and the Dominos' "Layla" album. This is a companion piece to that, except it contains the group doing songs not on that album, and also not on the imagined follow-up album "Devil Road" (with a couple of exceptions).

In my opinion, if you have this, and the alternates and Devil Road albums I just mentioned, plus of course the "Layla" album itself, you should have all of the worthy studio material from this group. A lot of extra material has been released, but in my opinion, much of that isn't very good. For instance, some long jams that meander for nearly 20 minutes each (and don't feature Duane Allman - I included the one that does have him). Whereas there are a number of other outtakes that are good and haven't been released.

One of the songs, "Till I See You Again," sounds very different than the others. That's because it's drummer Jim Gordon singing. Gordon was a singer-songwriter as well as a very talented drummer. During the Layla sessions, he came in early to record his own songs, in the hopes that one or more of them could get on the Layla album, or possibly for a solo album. Gordon would later slowly go insane and murder his own mother, putting him in prison for the rest of his life. As a result, Gordon's songs probably will never be officially released, even though they're pretty good.

01 Tell the Truth [A-Side Version] (Derek & the Dominos)
02 Roll It Over [B-Side Version] (Derek & the Dominos)
03 Mean Old World [Acoustic Version] (Derek & the Dominos)
04 Till I See You Again [Jim Gordon on Vocals] (Derek & the Dominos)
05 Tender Love [Instrumental] (Derek & the Dominos)
06 Got to Get Better in a Little While (Derek & the Dominos)
07 Blues Power (Derek & the Dominos)
08 It Hurts Me Too [Acoustic Instrumental] (Derek & the Dominos)
09 I've Been All Day [Instrumental] (Derek & the Dominos)
10 Jam IV [Eric and Duane Duel] (Derek & the Dominos & the Allman Brothers Band)
11 Mean Old World [Rehearsal Version] (Derek & the Dominos)
12 Matchbox (Derek & the Dominos with Johnny Cash & Carl Perkins)


The cover is another one of only a very limited number of photos of Derek and the Dominos including Duane Allman (who is wearing a tie-dye T-shirt). Bobby Whitlock is just behind Eric Clapton, looking extremely stoned.


  1. Hi Paul, I only found your site yesterday and already d/l a big bunch of albums...Dylan, Zep, EC & Dominos, F Mac...so I'd like to say a very big thank you for providing all these rare tracks. Very much appreciated.
