Wednesday, December 20, 2023

More Copyright Trouble

I just got notified that the album "Cover Songs, Volume 3: 1994-1999" by Elton John has been hidden due to some copyright violation. However, I've had that same album posted at my YouTube page for a couple of weeks, and I haven't had any copyright trouble there. Normally, I post links from my YouTube page back to this blog to get people to download the files. But in this case, I just changed the link at the end of my write-up on my YouTube page for this album. So if you still want to download that album, go here to get the link:

Elton John - Cover Versions, Volume 3: 1994-1999 - YouTube

Meanwhile, a couple of days ago, I got my very first notice from of a copyright violation. They deleted the link to the Eric Clapton stray tracks album "Hoodoo Man" that I posted recently. So a couple of days ago, I just changed that link from a one to an Imagenetz one. So far, so good. But in both these cases, you should get these while you still can, because who knows if the situation will change.

Having a YouTube page has shown me just how random copyright enforcement is. Keep in mind that this blog and YouTube are both owned by Google, so you'd think their copyright violation finding bots would work the same. But clearly, they don't. So until and unless I run into more serious trouble, I'll continue posting things here that don't get allowed there, and vice versa. I'm just following their rules and taking down what I'm told to only where I'm told to. Let's hope that keeps working.


  1. Ah, but I'm doing that already. In this particular case, here's the name of the file:
    EricC 1988-1992 HoodoMn atse

  2. Bots look for variations on stringed data. EricC, E.clapton. Eric Clap, etc. A simple way to check is to cut and paste the text into Google or start typing it in, if the search engine gives suggestions, the name's been recognised. Echm has no recognisable link to Eric Clapton. The algorithm struggles when vowels are removed and words are strung together removing most of the Aeiou's .
    Even these are still visually close due to the capital letter denoting a name. By adding numbers and using all capitals, we create a more coded representation.

    Hope this helps and saves you more time to work on your excellent blog. Thanks for all your hard work and excellent write up pieces.

    1. Thanks. Luckily, I already am generally removing vowels and stringing words together. Here's a typical example:

      AlStwt 1974 BBSessionsVolum4InConcertGoldrsGreenHippodrmeLondnBritain, 6-27-1974 atse

      But I will strive to be even more careful in the future, especially with the artist name, and using all caps for that. Thanks again for the good advice.
