Thursday, November 16, 2023

Beck - BBC Sessions, Volume 2: In Concert, Brixton Academy, Brixton, Britain, 12-10-1996

Beck has had a great, long music career, but in terms of popularity he peaked early. His second major album, "Odelay" in 1996, sold about two million copies, about double the sales for any of his other albums. So late 1996 was a great time for a BBC concert.

Beck has frequently flipped between two modes: a mellow, acoustic mode, and an upbeat, rocking mode. This concert is almost entirely in the upbeat, rocking mode. He played all of his best known songs at the time, including his breakout hit "Loser," a song he hasn't played that much since due to growing tired of it.

Rather oddly, Beck played "Make Out City," and introduced it as such. But it's basically just a remix of his hit "Where It's At," and is easily recognized as such.

There's not much else to say. The sound quality is excellent throughout. Oh, and I believe everything here is unreleased.

This album is an hour and five minutes long.

01 Thunderpeel (Beck) (Beck)
02 talk (Beck)
03 Lord Only Knows (Beck)
04 Minus (Beck)
05 talk (Beck)
06 The New Pollution (Beck)
07 talk (Beck)
08 Derelict (Beck)
09 Loser (Beck)
10 talk (Beck)
11 Asshole (Beck)
12 One Foot in the Grave (Beck)
13 talk (Beck)
14 Pay No Mind [Snoozer] (Beck)
15 talk (Beck)
16 Make Out City [Where It's At Remix] [Edit] (Beck)
17 talk (Beck)
18 Devil's Haircut (Beck)
19 Sissyneck (Beck)
20 Debra (Beck)
21 Beercan [Edit] (Beck)
22 Jack Ass (Beck)
23 Sissyneck (Beck)

The cover photo was taken at a concert in San Jose, California, in September 1996.


  1. Beck performed in Ventura, CA, on 10.12.1996 - I saw him there.

    1. You are so right. Thanks for pointing that out. It turns out I had the numbers flipped - 10/12/1996 instead of 12/10/1996. I've fixed it now.
