Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ed Sheeran - VH-1 Storytellers, Whelan's, Dublin, Ireland, 1-24-2015

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a Taylor Swift album. Now, I'm posting an Ed Sheeran one. I'm starting to threaten to post music from currently popular music acts! ;) The reason Sheeran has come across my radar screen is because he did an episode of "VH-1 Storytellers" in 2015. Here it is.

I plan on posting most of the Storytellers episodes I can find. But most is not the same as "all." There are a handful that I've found that I won't be posting because I just can't stand the music. (For instance, Kanye West, the Backstreet Boys, Jay-Z, and Kid Rock.) With Sheeran, I was on the fence. But I gave this album a listen, and I decided it's okay. Not my favorite by any means, but there's real musical talent here. 

Perhaps I was helped by the fact that this doesn't suffer so much from modern overproduction issues due to it being a relatively stripped down live performance. Most of the songs feature just Sheeran and his acoustic guitar.

From what I can gather, the Storytellers show was basically finished in 2012. But three years later, it came back for one more episode, at Sheeran's request. Since then, in 2023, the show has kind of been revived by CMT, a country music channel, and has broadcast a few episodes of country artists. I haven't been able to find any full episodes of those.

As I write this in 2024, Sheeran is massively popular, and has sold over 150 million albums worldwide. At the time of this concert, he had only released two albums. But both of them were massively popular. For instance, his second album, "x" (a.k.a. "Multiply"), sold about ten millions albums worldwide. So even though he performed in a club that could only hold a couple hundred people, he had a super enthusiastic crowd. As you'll hear listening to this, it sounds to be mostly women, who screamed quite a lot and also sang along with the songs. 

But the crowd noise you'll hear is actually toned way down, because I ran all the songs through the MSVEP audio editing program specifically to separate out the crowd noise. I didn't remove it entirely, since it was part of the overall sonic picture, but I lowered the volume of the crowd way down during the songs, while keeping it high at the ends of songs.

It seems some extra songs from this performance were made available on the Internet but not as part of the TV show. I couldn't find them. If you have them, let me know and I'll add them in.

This album is 56 minutes long.

01 Don't (Ed Sheeran)
02 talk (Ed Sheeran)
03 The A Team (Ed Sheeran)
04 talk (Ed Sheeran)
05 Bloodstream (Ed Sheeran)
06 talk (Ed Sheeran)
07 Thinking Out Loud (Ed Sheeran)
08 talk (Ed Sheeran)
09 Take It Back - Superstition (Ed Sheeran)
10 talk (Ed Sheeran)
11 Photograph (Ed Sheeran)
12 talk (Ed Sheeran)
13 Sing (Ed Sheeran)

alternate link:

The cover is a screenshot I took from a video of this exact concert.

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