Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Aerovons - Resurrection - Alternate Version (1969)

Here's an interesting rarity. If you've heard of the Aerovons, I'd be impressed. They're an obscure 1960s band that worshipped at the altar of the Beatles, on the Hollies pop side of things. I'm not saying this is a lost classic, but if you're interested in music that evokes that era, this one has it in spades.

The Aerovons hailed from St. Louis, Missouri of all places. They have a very interesting history, so I've included the liner notes from the official album in the download files. Long story short is they got an incredible opportunity to record a debut album at Abbey Road Studios in London, England. By chance, this happened right at the time the Beatles were recording their "Abbey Road" album in mid-1969. Not only were they able to meet and hang out with their idols, but they got to watch parts of the classic "Abbey Road" album get recorded.

Unfortunately, their fairy tale story didn't completely come true. A couple of their singles got released, but didn't bother the charts. As a result, the record company decided not to release their debut album, "Resurrection." The band broke up a short time later. Their album only came out decades later, in the early 2000s. 

This consists of my alternate version of that album. I've removed some songs, but also added some bonus tracks, including the A- and B-sides from the band's lead singer and songwriter Tom Hartman. It came out in 1971 in total obscurity. I believe it was the only thing he released outside of the Aerovons. 

In this case, I strongly believe less is more. The biggest problem with the Aerovons was that they were too influenced by their musical heroes, especially the Beatles. Oftentimes, you can play "spot the influence" on their songs. I removed some songs that were too derivative, in my opinion. The worst offender was a song that sounds so much like "Oh! Darling" by the Beatles that it annoys me to hear it.

Hartman quit the music business after that failed single mentioned above, and went to college instead. But he never stopped writing songs. In 2021, a new album billed to the Aerovons called "A Little More" was released. It's surprisingly good, probably stronger song for song than the 1969, and less derivative, though only 21 minutes long. If you like this, you should definitely check that out.

By the way, I stumbled across this article about the band that was published only last month (as I write this in May 2024), due to the "Resurrection" finally being released on vinyl. It's an interesting read, with photos:

After 55 Years, the Aerovons Are Finally the Next Big Thing (riverfronttimes.com)

This album is 47 minutes long.

01 World of You (Aerovons)
02 Resurrection (Aerovons)
03 With Her (Aerovons)
04 Quotes and Photos (Aerovons)
05 Words from a Song (Aerovons)
06 Bessy Goodheart (Aerovons)
07 Something of Yours (Aerovons)
08 She's Not Dead (Aerovons)
09 The Years (Aerovons)
10 Everything's Alright (Aerovons)
11 The Children (Aerovons)
12 The Train (Aerovons)
13 Song for Jane (Aerovons)
14 Here (Aerovons)
15 World of You [Demo] (Aerovons)
16 Sunshine Woman (Tom Hartman)
17 A Little More (Tom Hartman)


The cover is just the photo of the original cover, without any changes.


  1. I'm a huge Hollies fan, so the Aerovons album is right in my wheelhouse. I have most of this material but looking forward to the tracks which are new to me. Thanks.

  2. Resurrection is clearly influenced by Across the Universe

  3. Very close to parody. I wonder if Neil Innes (The Rutles) was listening.

  4. Haven't heard of them before, thanks for bringing them up and for all the info
