Saturday, January 30, 2021

Joe Walsh - Reunion Arena, Dallas, TX, 7-10-1981

Up until yesterday, I only had one Joe Walsh concert recording, which is the album I've posted here previously, an expanded version of his live album recorded in 1975. But I was looking for some files at Soulseek, and I came across a concert of his that someone marked with an all caps "WOW." That got me to check it out, and sure enough, it worthy of a "wow." Both the performance and the sound quality are e
xcellent. So here it is.

To this day, Walsh has only released one live album, the one from 1975 mentioned above. I think 1981 is a good year for another one. He was riding high from playing with the Eagles for a few years, and had another hit single ("A Life of Illusion") and hit album ("There Goes the Neighborhood"). Unfortunately, his critical and commercial success went downhill after that, compared to what he did before.

The one disappointment I had in seeing this set list was the lack of songs he did with the Eagles. (Though "In the City" is a partial exception. He first did it solo for a movie soundtrack, and then did a different version for the Eagles' "The Long Run" album.) In particular, I fully expected to find "Life in the Fast Lane" here, but it turns out he didn't play that song live in 1981 at all. So I found a version from a 1983 concert with similarly excellent sound, and I've added it as a quasi-bonus track at the end. 

01 Meadows (Joe Walsh)
02 Over and Over (Joe Walsh)
03 talk (Joe Walsh)
04 In the City (Joe Walsh)
05 talk (Joe Walsh)
06 A Life of Illusion (Joe Walsh)
07 talk (Joe Walsh)
08 The Bomber- Closet Queen - Bolero - Cast Your Fate to the Wind (Joe Walsh)
09 talk (Joe Walsh)
10 Dreams (Joe Walsh)
11 talk (Joe Walsh)
12 Theme from Boat Weirdos (Joe Walsh)
13 talk (Joe Walsh)
14 Funk No. 49 (Joe Walsh)
15 You Never Know (Joe Walsh)
16 talk (Joe Walsh)
17 Life's Been Good (Joe Walsh)
18 talk (Joe Walsh)
19 Rocky Mountain Way (Joe Walsh)
20 All Night Long (Joe Walsh)
21 Life in the Fast Lane (Joe Walsh)

I could have used a photo of Walsh in 1981 for the album cover, but I found one from 1979 that I like better. I don't know anything about it other than it's from 1979.


  1. Thanks for this. Greatly appreciated. I recently posted a thread on Guitars101 as to whether anyone had or even heard of a Joe Walsh studio outtake, alternative track or demo. A resounding no was the answer. Not even any official deluxe, expanded or remastered box sets. So any Joe Walsh is appreciated. His talent seemed to get absorbed by the Eagles. There's lots of good live boots on Guitars101. I don't have soulseek, but maybe you can find some alternatives? A live acoustic Unplugged style album would be amazing. PS did you ever finish your Pink Floyd Wall alternative album. Many thanks.

    1. Glad you like. I've found a lot of good stuff on Guitars101 and I'm sure I'll keep doing so.

      As far as the Wall, I must admit that I've gotten sidetracked on that. It's like 97% done. Thanks to your reminder, I'll try to finish it off soon.

  2. It wasn't all downhill after 1981. He had one more hit album in 1991 an hit single with 'ordinary average guy' and song with the same feel as life's been good, it would have easily fit in that era as well.
