I've been trying to work systematically, starting with artists who have names beginning with A, then B, and so on. I've made it to E so far. But I've also randomly come across others and updated those too. I also updated all the "various artist" ones, since I thought lots of those needed help, especially the Covered series ones, and many of the big rock festival ones. So, for those who are interested in this kind of thing, here's a zip of 380 previously posted album covers that I've fixed in the last few months.
You can see an example up above how Krea AI changed one of the covers. The old version is on the left, the new version on the right. In the old version, the face of Jerry Ragavoy (in the light brown sweater) really bothered me. In the new version, Krea AI somehow fixed it. You can notice lots of other little fixes if you look closely. It's kind of miraculous what it does, actually.
Hopefully I'll stay motivated to keep going through the rest of the alphabet, but it may take many months before I finish. This isn't my highest priority by any means. But from time to time I'll try to post more zips for those who are interested.
And by the way, sorry, there's not much help if you want to figure out which album cover goes with which album. You'll just have to go with the file name and what you see on the cover. But I've also redone the download files for all these albums, so you can get the updates that way as well.
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