I'm pretty psyched to have recently discovered lots of great concerts from the "PBS Soundstage" TV show. So expect to see more posts using that as a source in the near future, while I still pursue my big BBC project. Here's the earliest Soundstage concert I could find, Gordon Lightfoot from 1973.
Technically speaking, the show this unreleased concert was from was called "Made in Chicago," not "PBS Soundstage." The show began in 1972 at the PBS station WTTW in Chicago. It was unique at the time to feature only one or two musical acts for an entire hour. But at first it was of local interest only, and wasn't able to book big names. From the first two years, the only interesting concerts I could find were this one and one from Jim Croce. But the show was popular, so in 1974 it changed its name to "PBS Soundstage," and was shown on PBS stations all over the country, lasting all the way to 2018 (though with some significant gaps). So for consistency's sake, I'm using the Soundstage name here, since it was the same show, and so people can more easily find all the ones I post.
Lightfoot's commercial and critical prime was from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s. But there aren't many live recordings from this years with excellent sound quality such as this one. So I hope by posting this, it can help give it more exposure. Lightfoot had been slowly building up a following, but he never had any hits outside of his home country of Canada until "If You Could Read My Mind" in 1970. It reached Number Five in the U.S. singles chart and was an instant classic, covered hundreds of times. From that time until the time of this concert, he didn't have any more big hits (outside of Canada, at least), but he had a series of little hits. His more recent album was "Old Dan's Records." A year later, he would have his biggest hit of all with "Sundown."
This album is 51 minutes long.
01 The Patriot's Dream (Gordon Lightfoot)
02 Don Quixote (Gordon Lightfoot)
03 Affair on 8th Avenue (Gordon Lightfoot)
04 talk (Gordon Lightfoot)
05 If You Could Read My Mind (Gordon Lightfoot)
06 It's Worth Believing (Gordon Lightfoot)
07 You Are What I Am (Gordon Lightfoot)
08 Beautiful (Gordon Lightfoot)
09 Sit Down Young Stranger (Gordon Lightfoot)
10 Ten Degrees and Getting Colder (Gordon Lightfoot)
11 Softly (Gordon Lightfoot)
12 Boss Man (Gordon Lightfoot)
13 talk (Gordon Lightfoot)
14 Early Morning Rain (Gordon Lightfoot)
15 Can't Depend on Love (Gordon Lightfoot)
16 Cotton Jenny (Gordon Lightfoot)
17 Old Dan's Records (Gordon Lightfoot)
The cover photo is from a concert at the Royal Albert Hall, in London, some time in 1973.
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