Saturday, June 15, 2024

Woodstock '94, Winston Farm, Saugerties, NY, 8-12-1994 to 8-14-1994 - Day 2, Part 3: Zucchero

The next album from Day Two of the Woodstock '94 Festival features a set from the Italian singer Zucchero.

I must say I'm rather surprised Zucchero was included in this festival. He's a massively famous musician in his native country of Italy, as well as many other European countries. He's sold over 60 million records worldwide. He's also greatly respected by other musicians. He's collaborated with many famous musicians, including Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Brian May, Miles Davis, Ray Charles, B. B. King, Sting, Buddy Guy, Bono, Bryan Adams, Dolores O'Riordan, Paul Young, and Peter Gabriel! However, despite all that, he remains virtually unknown in the U.S. None of his singles or albums have ever many any U.S. charts. 

A key problem for him is that while he performs an accessible Western style of music, mixing soul, rock, blues, and other genres, he sings most of his songs in Italian. U.S. audiences haven't been very interested in music sung in languages other than English, as a general rule. And that's the case here. There's some English singing, as well as banter in English, but it's mostly Italian.

Here's his Wikipedia entry, if you want to learn more about him:

Zucchero Fornaciari - Wikipedia

From here through the rest of the festival, everything has excellent sound quality, despite virtually all of it coming from bootlegs. If there are exceptions, I'll point them out. This set certainly has solid sound quality.

When I heard the first song here, "L'urlo," I thought, "Hey, that sounds like 'Everybody's Everything' by Santana, only sung in Italian. I looked it up, and it turns out "Everybody's Everything" is actually an adaptation of 1967 soul hit by the group the Emperors. "L'urlo" does sound to be mostly based on "Everybody's Everything" but with Italian lyrics, so I put that in as a subtitle.

 This album is 48 minutes long.

01 L'urlo [Everybody's Everything] (Zucchero)
02 I Go Crazy (Zucchero)
03 Dunes of Mercy (Zucchero)
04 Senza Una Donna (Zucchero)
05 Overdose [D'Amore] (Zucchero)
06 Con le Mani (Zucchero)
07 talk (Zucchero)
08 Diamonte (Zucchero)
09 Diavolo in Me (Zucchero)
10 Mama [Madre Dolcissima] (Zucchero)

Here's an alternate download link I'm experimenting with:

The cover photo is from this exact concert.

1 comment:

  1. Pixeldrain works well - straight to the download, fast, and no irritating popups.
