Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Rolling Stones - We Love You - Non-Album Tracks (1966-1967)

A couple of days ago, I posted an album that resulted when I split a Guess Who album I'd previously posted in two. A couple of days ago, I did the same thing with a Jefferson Airplane album. Today, it's happening again, this time with a Rolling Stones album. In 2018, I had posted a bunch of these songs on the stray tracks album "Flowers," which was only loosely based on the official album of that name. I've created a new version of that album, putting most of the 1966 songs it. Meanwhile, this is for the late 1966 and 1967 songs, as the band radically (though temporarily) switched its style from R&B to psychedelia.

I hadn't planned on creating this album. But a few days ago, a remarkable new Rolling Stones bootleg emerged. You can read about it here:

Treasure trove of 50 unreleased Rolling Stones songs mysteriously emerges online (

I considered posting the whole thing here, but I've decided against it, because I noticed a few other similar sites had it and then quickly took it down. I presume they got takedown notices, and I want to avoid those. Instead, I'm going to pick the worthy songs from it and add them to my stray tracks albums. I also plan on posting more of those albums soon, especially since most of the songs from this new bootleg date from the 1980s and 1990s.

That said, the new bootleg contains one song dating all the way back to 1967, and it's a good one. "She's Doing Her Thing" had previously been bootlegged, but only as an instrumental, and this newly emerged version is fully fleshed out with vocals. There are rumors that the person who posted the new bootleg has more coming soon. This song gives hope that they have access to 1960s material. That would be great, because there has been very little previously unreleased 1960s material released due to continued disputes between the band and their record company from that era.

Anyway, I was going to put "She's Doing Her Thing" on my "Flowers" collection, but when I did I saw it was over an hour long, which was really long for a 1960s album. I went looking around to see if there were any more songs from that time that I'd missed. To my surprise, I found a couple. One is a bluesy instrumental called "Gold Painted Fingernails." 

Another is a very unusual instrumental for the band. According to Nico Zentgraf's authoritative Rolling Stones website called "The Complete Works of the Rolling Stones," this song is called "Pieces, Part 1 to 5." I couldn't find any other mentions of this name, so I'm using that name for now. The band recorded it in five separate sections, which may explain why it's called "Pieces." I found a version where someone had edited all the sections together. I cut out a middle section that I didn't like. The final result is a real gem, in my opinion, and is just as neat of a rare find as "She's Doing Her Thing."

On top of that, there is yet another unreleased song here, "Get Yourself Together." And curiously, this also contains an instrumental, "Title 5," that was released as a bonus track for "Exile on Main Street," even though the song was recorded in 1967 and seemingly has nothing to do with that 1972 album. (I suspect that has to do with the previously mentioned troubles between the band and their 1960s record company. I'm guessing they liked "Title 5" and wanted to release it, so they pretended as if it was from the early 1970s and thus out of reach of that 1960s record company.)

Up till now, I've discovered the rare and unusual songs on this album. But really, the meat of the album are the well known ones. In my opinion, this contains five classics with "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow," "Let's Spend the Night Together," "Ruby Tuesday," "We Love You," and "Dandelion." But the other songs are solid too. In my opinion, had this actually been an album the band released in the 1960s, it would be considered one of their best.

This album is 39 minutes long. That doesn't include the bonus track, "It's All Over Now." The band had a big hit with it in 1964. But I'm including it because they came up with a totally different arrangement for it for a TV show appearance in early 1967. They prerecorded the backing track a few days earlier, then sang live vocals to it in front of a cheering audience. It's only a bonus track because unfortunately the sound quality isn't that good.

01 Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow (Rolling Stones)
02 Who's Driving Your Plane (Rolling Stones)
03 Get Yourself Together [I Can See It] (Rolling Stones)
04 Gold Painted Fingernails [Instrumental] (Rolling Stones)
05 Let's Spend the Night Together (Rolling Stones)
06 Ruby Tuesday (Rolling Stones)
07 Title 5 [Instrumental] (Rolling Stones)
08 If You Let Me (Rolling Stones)
09 We Love You (Rolling Stones)
10 Dandelion (Rolling Stones)
11 She's Doing Her Thing (Rolling Stones)
12 Pieces, Parts 1 to 5 [Instrumental] [Edit] (Rolling Stones)

It's All Over Now [1967 Version] (Rolling Stones)

Since I decided to name this album "We Love You," I searched the Internet for covers of the single with that name. I've often found that using single covers for albums help provide authentic period flavor to the art. I found a good one, but a big chunk of it was filled with a boring black and white background pattern. And I found another one that had a good photo of the band, but was surrounded with some boring artwork. So I combined them, putting the band photo over most of the black and white pattern.

I did one more thing. The band photo had them sitting in front of some really awful curtains. They looked like the curtains of somebody's old fashioned grandmother, totally out of sync with their psychedelic fashions of the time. So, using Photoshop, I edited out the curtains and replaced them with a dark forest. I'm not sure why I picked a forest, but it just popped into my head as the thing to do, and I like how it turned out.


  1. By the way, if you're interested in the new Stones bootleg I mentioned, you can find it here, at least for now:

    But be warned that some of the song titles are wrong, and many of the years are wrong. Most are in the right ballpark, but a few are off by decades.

    1. hey paul, enjoy your work. "But be warned that some of the song titles are wrong, and many of the years are wrong. Most are in the right ballpark, but a few are off by decades."

    2. continued-could you give list of wrong titles and dates please ?

    3. Fans can also buy a better revised version from

  2. Thanks for this one. A good album indeed.
    For me, the new Stones bootleg (that I've dowloaded in the Zhinof blog)is completely bad and useless.

    1. I disagree about the new bootleg. It's a mixed bag - some good, some bad. That's one reason why I decided not to post the whole thing, just the songs I deem worthy, where they fit in with others. But at least you've gotta admit that the sound quality is excellent, considering how hard it is to get studio outtakes.

    2. everyone has the right for an opinion. But frankly Racati, yours is just laughable. This is probably the best and most exciting bootleg that's ever been released.Most of the titles are completely new and in such high quality that a new Stones album could be put together from it. The original version of IORR is worth the download alone.

    3. My dear "Unknown",
      My opinion is too strong that yours. It's just an opinion.
      About the tastes there is nothing writed.
      You ought to learn respecting each opinion without disdain.
      Thank you.

    4. If you read my comment, I respect any opinion. Even yours. I just have a very different one and think yours is laughable. So please respect my opinion re your opinion.
      Tutti saluti
      Willi from Italy

    5. Everyone's opinion is valid. I think how much one likes the new bootleg depends a lot on how much they like the Stones of the 1980s and 1990s, since so many of the songs are from then. Some people think the band "lost it" by then, in which case they're not going to like this bootleg very much.

      Personally, I went through the songs and found about 20 are "keepers" that I think are worthy of being on their albums. Considering that it's 2021, that's a lot of songs! Bootlegs like this just don't come along very often anymore.

    6. One more thing I want to mention about this. For some artists, almost no studio outtakes have been bootlegged, period. Stevie Wonder is a case in point. But for the Stones, TONS of studio outtakes have been bootlegged. For any given album of theirs, one usually can find several albums of outtakes. So it seemed as if all the good stuff was out there already. And then this bootleg came along, with many songs and versions previously unbootlegged at all, and all of it in high sound quality. For a serious Stones fan, this has to be the best bootleg in decades! But if you're not that serious and especially if you don't like their later stuff that much, I could see one feeling underwhelmed.

    7. @ Willi : Telling that an opinion is "just laughable" is regarded like a disdain in my country (France) and in yours where my parents were born.
      @ Paul : I was a big fan of the Stones till "Exile On Main Street (1972)and I have all their recordings (oficials and bootlegs). But not after because their production left me totally indiferent. Also now you know why I don't like the bootleg.
      But I don't consider that the others opinions are "laughables"!

    8. Racati - PEACE. I withdraw "laughable". But I still feel completely diffrent re this bootleg. Agreed, production has changed. And in a way I also prefer the older stuff. But what I love about this bootleg are the wealth of "new" songs and the quality of this material. Just listen to "I've Got Dreams.." and the original version of IORR. Most of the stuff would qualify for official release, in my humble opinion.
      Greetings from locked down Italy

    9. Willi,
      No matter. Thanks. I have no intention to discuss your opinion. As I explained forward, the Stones before 1972 are not my cup of tea. From this bootleg, I have kept only four songs : "Dreams To Remember", "Don't Lie To Me", "Putty In Your Hands" and "Strictly Memphis".
      Saluti da Marsiglia.

    10. Racati, like I said, one isn't likely to be that keen on the new bootleg if you don't think much of the Stones after 1972. That's fine; everyone's opinion is valid. Personally, I think there's a lot more than four good songs there. But they're better if they're heard in context with other songs of their time.

      Did you try my version of Black and Blue? I'm thinking that may appeal more to people who like the classic Stones sound.

    11. Hi Paul,
      I don't say that there are only four good songs in the bootleg. I have kept the only ones that please me. It's totally distinct.

    12. I have not dowloaded your version of Black And Blue because I don't like this album. The unique studio album I like since 1972 is "Blue and Lonesome" (2016)!

  3. Your work is fantastic, and I am eager to hear it, the only thing that my geographical region does not allow me to use Zippyshare can be uploaded to mega or another place like yandex, thanks and I hope you can enjoy it

    1. I live in a region (Italy) with the same problem. However, I'm using the TOR browser, and the problem is solved.
      Greetings from Italy

    2. I have downloaded that browser but there is no way to download I do not know how you do it .....

    3. Now I have been able to thank you for the information ;-)

    4. Opera Browser on Android devices via its privacy mode is fantastic for these problems.

    5. I'm glad to hear that worked out for you, Daniel. I'm still on the look out for an option to use instead of Zippyshare. I'm open to ideas, since some people can't get it to work. But also, remember that I share everything through SoulseekQT too.

    6. Workupload is easy to use, reliable and doesn't have the dozens of annoying pop-ups and phishing sites that zippyshare is unfortunately flooded with nowadays...

    7. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.

  4. Did I read this correctly?
    This is what the poster stated:
    "There are rumors that the person who posted the new bootleg has more coming soon. This song gives hope that they have access to 1960s material. That would be great, because there has been very little previously unreleased 1960s material released due to continued disputes between the band and their record company from that era."

    But wait a minute - this new collection IS a bootleg. So any more 1960's material uploaded onto the internet and not coming via ABKCO would automatically by definition also be a bootleg.
    This same situation happened before with the "Black Box" where ABKCO/Decca/London messed around deciding yes or no and the bootleggers beat them to it with a 3-CD box set on the Yellow Dog label from Luxembourg in 1994. Then there was the "Time Trip" series of bootleg CDs with another load of 60's outtakes. So, basically there's certainly been no shortages of 60s material being distributed.
