Saturday, June 15, 2024

Woodstock '94, Winston Farm, Saugerties, NY, 8-12-1994 to 8-14-1994 - Day 1, Part 3: Sheryl Crow

The third full set from the first day of the Woodstock '94 Festival features Sheryl Crow.

The situation with Sheryl Crow is very similar to that of the first two acts from the festival that I've posted, Blues Traveler and Live. All three of them were right on the cusp of stardom, but not quite there yet, which is why they were relegated to the middle of the first day of the festival. Crow's debut album "Tuesday Night Music Club" was released in 1993. However, it took a while to catch on. According to Wikipedia, it wasn't until July 1994 when "All I Wanna Do" was released as the fourth single. But it didn't soar up the charts until October 1994, after this festival. 

However, for Blues Traveler and Live, massive success wouldn't be sustained past one really big hit album. Whereas for Crow, "Tuesday Night Music Club" would eventually sell close to five million copies in the U.S. alone, but she'd keep going and going, eventually selling over 50 million albums worldwide.

Given all the success she'd had, I had a surprisingly difficult time putting her set together. One song, "Run, Baby, Run," appeared on the official double album for the festival, so that's here in excellent sound quality. A couple of the others were taken from videos of the pay-per-view, so they also sound excellent. But the rest comes from an audience bootleg. However, I ran that through two different audio editing programs to make different fixes (UVR5 and MVSEP), so at least those sound better than before, in my opinion, though still not as good as the others. But unfortunately I couldn't find the first song she played, "Can't Cry Anymore," in any condition, so that one isn't here.

This album is 35 minutes long.

01 All I Wanna Do (Sheryl Crow)
02 talk (Sheryl Crow)
03 Love Is a Good Thing (Sheryl Crow)
04 talk (Sheryl Crow)
05 Run, Baby, Run (Sheryl Crow)
06 Leaving Las Vegas (Sheryl Crow)
07 The Na-Na Song - I've Got a Feeling (Sheryl Crow)
08 talk (Sheryl Crow)
09 I Shall Believe (Sheryl Crow)

The cover photo is from this exact concert.

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