Friday, September 20, 2024

Tori Amos - VH-1 Storytellers, Metropolis Studios, New York City, 10-24-1998

Who'da thunk it, but here's another "VH-1 Storytellers" episode. The featured artist this time is Tori Amos.

At the time of this concert, Amos had released her studio album "From the Choirgirl Hotel." The timing of the concert happens to be pretty good, because her first four albums, through that one, are her biggest sellers and got the most critical acclaim.

As usual for this show, the sound is excellent even though everything here is officially unreleased. Also as usual, the first song, "Winter," started midway through in the TV show. But I managed to find a soundboard version from the same year, so I used that to fill in the missing part. That's why that song has "[Edit]" in the title. 

Another song, "Hey Jupiter," was also edited enough to get that added to its title, but for a very different reason. In that case, there were a bunch of mysterious clicking sounds in the middle of the song. I managed to edit most of them out, though I may have missed a few. I also caught some in the next song or two as well, though probably again I missed a few.

 This album is 50 minutes long.

01 Winter [Edit] (Tori Amos)
02 talk (Tori Amos)
03 Father Lucifer (Tori Amos)
04 talk (Tori Amos)
05 Hey Jupiter [Edit] (Tori Amos)
06 talk (Tori Amos)
07 Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
08 talk (Tori Amos)
09 Precious Things (Tori Amos)
10 talk (Tori Amos)
11 iieee (Tori Amos)
12 talk (Tori Amos)
13 Raspberry Swirl (Tori Amos)
14 Cornflake Girl (Tori Amos)

alternate link:

The cover is a screenshot I took from the video of this exact concert.


  1. Such a weird practice for them to start the show in the middle of a song. not sure what they were thinking..

    1. Yeah, very weird. In some later episodes, it got worse: they had voiceovers over most of the songs! Usually during any instrumental solos.
