Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Dave Matthews Band - VH-1 Storytellers, Harvey Theatre, Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City, 5-17-2005

The next episode in the "VH-1 Storytellers" series features the Dave Matthews Band.

The Dave Matthews Band had the most success in the 1990s. Their first two albums sold a combined 13 million copies in the U.S. But at the time of this concert, the band was still having plenty of success. Their 2005 album they were touring to support at the time of this concert, "Stand Up," reached Number One in the U.S. album charts and sold over a million copies in the U.S.

Four of the songs here come from the "Stand Up" album: "American Baby," "Dreamgirl," "Louisiana Bayou," and "Steady as We Go." "American Baby" was the band's highest charting single in the U.S., reaching the Number 16 spot. The rest of the songs are originals from earlier albums, except for "All Along the Watchtower," which is the classic Bob Dylan song.

I'm somewhat regretful that I prepared this album for release. I'm not much of a fan of this artist in the first place, and this one was a real pain in the butt to make presentable. The main problem is that it seems around 2005 and 2006, the Storytellers show got in the habit of putting voiceovers in the middle of songs. Generally, these were portions of interviews done with band members, which were then placed in sections of the songs where there weren't lead vocals, such as solos. That happened in all but two songs here! Ugh. I used the UVR5 audio editing program to separate the vocals from the instruments. Then I completely deleted the voiceover talking. The volume of the instrumentation was drastically lowered during these sections, so I then tried to boost the volume of those parts to match the rest of the songs. That much worked okay, but sometimes there was some damage to these sections, due to either lingering bits of the voiceovers or loss of some music from the volume being turned way down on those parts. But, by and large, the songs sound pretty decent and you hopefully won't notice any problems.

Another problem was that the lead vocals were too low in the mix. So I had to use UVR5 again, this time to boost the vocals relative to the instruments. But at least this wasn't a case where part of the first song was missing, as is typical for this TV series.

This album is an hour long.

01 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
02 American Baby [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)
03 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
04 Crush [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)
05 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
06 Dreamgirl [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)
07 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
08 Where Are You Going (Dave Matthews Band)
09 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
10 Louisiana Bayou [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)
11 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
12 Ants Marching [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)
13 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
14 Steady as We Go (Dave Matthews Band)
15 Too Much [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)
16 talk (Dave Matthews Band)
17 All Along the Watchtower [Edit] (Dave Matthews Band)


alternate link:


The cover photo is from this exact concert.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the efforts. So silly to place voiceovers over songs as they are being played
