Monday, September 16, 2024

All Caught Up Fixing Broken Links

I have a couple of announcements here. 

First, I believe I'm all caught up with fixing broken links. Lately, there have been two types of broken links. I still have about 200 links using the Imagenetz file sharing service. Those are slowly dying when not enough people download them, but I've had to use them because the other file sharing service I've been using, doesn't allow files larger than 200 MB. (That equals about an hour and a half of music.) 

But lately I've started adding links using the Pixeldrain file sharing service for all new posts. That seems to be working well. It doesn't have the same spam problems that has had in recent months. I'll probably just switch over to Pixeldrain only for all new posts, since they seem the best service so far. But currently I'm still hedging my bets and posting and Pixeldrain links until I'm sure some unexpected problem doesn't arise. Please let me know if you have any preferences or problems with any of these services.

Also, when it comes to fixing links, I've had some trouble with copyright issues. A friend is helping with that. He has a website, and he's posting links there that are not allowed here. So if you see a download link has been removed, but I've written a comment advising to "check the comments below," please do look at the comments for the post, and you should find a link to that other website, where you can download the zip file.

On a totally different note, I've been on a tear posting nothing but VH-1 Storytellers albums lately. There are nearly 100 episodes in total. I plan on posting about 60 of them by the time I'm done, knock on wood. There are some more I would post but I can't find. Namely these ones:

Lyle Lovett
Shawn Colvin
Cee-Lo Green
Death Cab for Cutie
Ray LaMontagne
Grace Potter
Green Day (I found the music, but not the banter between songs)

If you can find the complete audio or video from those, please let me know. Thanks.


  1. Please don't use Pixeldrain, google says it's dangerous and I can never download from it. is perfect, keep using it, please. Thanks for all your work!

    1. Uht-oh! That's the first I've heard of that. Has anyone else had this problem?

  2. flakes on me sometimes, making me choose the Pixeldrain, which always works and Google gives me no bad notifications.

    Read into that what you want. [shrugs]

  3. Thanks for all your hard work on these downloads!

  4. thanks for all your great work....
    please retain
    thanks again
